24 season8 Episode02
Dad, I don't know what to say. I'm so happy.24 season8 Episode02
I'd be happy to except Maggie and me have a meeting with Sean's teacher.24 season8 Episode04
- So happy to hear you were okay, though.24 season8 Episode06
She's not going to be happy about that.24 season8 Episode08
I'm sure Farhad can't be happy about that.24 season8 Episode08
You can be a happy person.24 season8 Episode10
This is such a terrible situation. Yet I've never felt so happy.24 season8 Episode15
Hassan isn't happy about Taylor's response to the ultimatum.24 season8 Episode16
Hassan isn't happy about Taylor's response to the ultimatum.24 season8 Episode17
I'll be happy to sit down with you after I've addressed the other delegations.24 season8 Episode17
Well, I'm happy to say that I was wrong about you.24 season8 Episode18
He didn't seem very happy about that.24 season8 Episode20
The White House is unhappy with the way the manhunt for Jack's been handled.24 season8 Episode22
In any case, he's not gonna be happy we tracked him down.24 season8 Episode23
He's not gonna be happy we tracked him down.24 season8 Episode23
and Suvarov will be happy to sweep this under the rug...24 season4 Episode02
I spoke with Omar. He's happy.24 season4 Episode05
You may be happy tapping at a keyboard forever, but I'm not.24 season4 Episode08
She won't be happy when she knows we're using her to find the mole.24 season4 Episode09
and if you can't save my son, I am happy to see the reactors melt down.24 season4 Episode10
If you can't save my son, I am happy to see the reactors melt down.24 season4 Episode16
- I still don't have a speech I'm happy with.24 season4 Episode18
But the president is not going to be happy that his statement can be invalidated.24 season4 Episode22
I would have been happy to skip today.24 season1 Episode12
I don't feel anything except happy he's dead.24 season2 Episode01
She puts on a happy face for everyone, but I know she's hurtin'.24 season2 Episode01
Our pals at the FBI aren't too happy. Goren's the state's only witness against Wald.24 season2 Episode03
And... I just want you to be happy.24 season2 Episode03
Well, then, be happy for me, OK?24 season2 Episode03
That'll make me happy.24 season2 Episode04
If I didn't have to talk to you again I'd be happy.24 season2 Episode05
I have a feeling they're not gonna be happy about the information exchange.24 season2 Episode06
The prime minister may not have been happy about the ambassador's cooperation with us.24 season2 Episode06
That would make you happy, wouldn't it? Isn't that what you wanted all along?24 season2 Episode08
I can imagine you're not happy about all of this.24 season2 Episode08
- I don't think he's very happy about it.24 season2 Episode10
I don't know. Are you happy in this job? Hm?24 season2 Episode10
Find something that makes you happy, do it.24 season2 Episode15
Honey, I want you to live your life. I want you to be happy.24 season2 Episode16
- He doesn't look too happy.24 season2 Episode20
Max is very unhappy.24 season2 Episode20
Max can be unhappy. We're all entitled to our feelings.24 season2 Episode23
I don't resent it or anything. I just... want him to be happy.24 season2 Episode24
He's so happy with what we did here today he doesn't know where to start.24 season5 Episode12
I'm happy that you're alive. I am.24 season5 Episode13
I'm happy that you're alive. I am.24 season5 Episode21
None of us is happy about this, but you don't really have a choice.24 season6 Episode13
- You should be happy for my happiness.24 season6 Episode15
I don't think President Suvarov's gonna be too happy to see you.24 season6 Episode16
how very happy I am to have you with us again.24 season6 Episode16
I... I guess just put this down to happy coincidence.24 season6 Episode17
I know you're not happy you were kept in the dark.24 season6 Episode18
Now, I am happy to honour Agent Bauer's service to this country,24 season6 Episode21
I'm really happy you came back.24 season7 Episode01
but I'll be happy to be proven wrong.24 season7 Episode01
Personally, I don't care what makes you happy, so let's just get this over with.24 season7 Episode10
And you'll be happy to know we have liberated the refugee camps in Kasanga Province.24 season7 Episode15
how happy that makes me.24 season7 Episode17
Some of the men weren't happy drawing down on federal agents.24 season7 Episode19
I'll be happy when this is behind us. Have you heard from Almeida?24 season7 Episode19
They're not happy about their homes being searched without a warrant at 2:30 in the morning.24 season7 Episode22
You do not want this man unhappy with you.24 season3 Episode01
My client's not happy that you won't hold him in Florida.24 season3 Episode01
That makes me happy.24 season3 Episode01
You're happy?24 season3 Episode02
Did you ever stop to think that maybe it would make him happy?24 season3 Episode02
been dating Chase and I don't think my dad's too happy about it.24 season3 Episode02
He's not happy with how I live my life.24 season3 Episode09
Nina, I don't think your client's gonna be too happy24 season3 Episode12
I'm not happy about this. Let's hope Chloe holds it together.24 season3 Episode14
Jack, you're about to find something out about me that's not gonna make you happy.24 season3 Episode14
Look, I'm happy that you're OK, but this thing...24 season3 Episode20
Four years ago when I found out he was alive after all that time... I was so happy.24 season3 Episode24
- I'm very happy for you.00:00:14,160 --> 00:00:16,958
Security have completed their initial sweep of the capital city.00:00:17,120 --> 00:00:21,238
Sixty-five members of the opposition have been arrested and are questioned.00:00:21,760 --> 00:00:24,797
- Any of them working with my brother?00:00:24,960 --> 00:00:26,552
Kayla, Your father is great...00:00:26,720 --> 00:00:29,792
- but Farhad's betrayal changed him.00:00:31,640 --> 00:00:33,756
President says you may be involved with his brother.00:00:33,920 --> 00:00:35,876
He's ordered me to detain you.00:00:36,040 --> 00:00:37,268
I'll talk to him.00:00:38,040 --> 00:00:42,830
President Hassan's crackdown isn't just a response to the attempt on his life.00:00:43,400 --> 00:00:45,630
There are unsecured nuclear materials in play.00:00:45,800 --> 00:00:49,429
CTU is running an undercover operation to retrieve them as we speak.00:00:49,920 --> 00:00:53,515
I've got something. It's an N.Y.P.D. Evidence lockup.00:00:53,680 --> 00:00:56,831
A local vice group just impounded 120,000.00:00:57,280 --> 00:01:00,192
I help you do this and you never call me again.00:01:00,360 --> 00:01:04,239
Ha, ha. That's beautiful, man. Absolutely beautiful.00:01:04,400 --> 00:01:07,278
It's a cop. You're gonna have to slip past him.00:01:07,440 --> 00:01:09,476
- I'm at the warehouse...00:01:09,760 --> 00:01:11,113
Kevin, stop him.00:01:11,760 --> 00:01:14,593
I hear there are materials for sale.00:01:14,760 --> 00:01:17,672
- Talk straight. What materials?00:01:17,840 --> 00:01:19,831
Nobody deals in nuclear rods. Nobody.00:01:20,000 --> 00:01:23,072
We have a problem. Vladimir Laitanan knows about the fuel rods.00:01:23,400 --> 00:01:26,756
Come on, Vladimir, push them harder. Somebody knows something.00:01:26,920 --> 00:01:28,717
There's no one left.00:01:28,880 --> 00:01:30,871
It's over. What is wrong with you?00:01:36,080 --> 00:01:37,274
- No!00:01:37,440 --> 00:01:39,078
Stop, stop.00:01:39,600 --> 00:01:41,318
They're Russian. What are you doing?00:01:41,480 --> 00:01:44,552
I'm gonna let them take me. When CTU gets here, tell them to track me.00:01:44,720 --> 00:01:46,756
These people are gonna lead us to everything.00:01:46,920 --> 00:01:48,399
I'm unarmed, don't shoot.00:01:49,640 --> 00:01:51,278
We can do business.00:01:51,960 --> 00:01:54,394
- Where's Jack?00:01:54,560 --> 00:01:56,391
He said you'd be monitoring from the air.00:01:56,560 --> 00:01:58,312
We haven't seen anything.00:01:58,480 --> 00:02:00,118
Where is he?00:02:21,040 --> 00:02:22,951
- Yeah?00:02:23,120 --> 00:02:25,270
- Hey, Jenny girl.00:02:25,440 --> 00:02:28,512
- as soon as you got clear.00:02:28,680 --> 00:02:29,669
We got caught...00:02:29,840 --> 00:02:33,037
We got caught up celebrating our score. Celebrating?00:02:33,200 --> 00:02:35,350
You put a police officer in the hospital.00:02:35,520 --> 00:02:37,636
Hey, that wasn't me, that was Nick.00:02:37,800 --> 00:02:40,075
And, look, why do you gotta focus on the negative?00:02:40,560 --> 00:02:43,279
We're flush 120 grand.00:02:43,440 --> 00:02:46,637
Why don't you just come down here, have a drink, celebrate with us?00:02:46,800 --> 00:02:49,394
We're at a club in Jersey City called Starlight, all right?00:02:49,560 --> 00:02:50,913
We'll work out your cut.00:02:51,080 --> 00:02:53,674
What cut? I don't want anything from you, Kevin.00:02:53,840 --> 00:02:55,273
We're done.00:02:55,440 --> 00:02:59,274
I want you to put my key in my mailbox, and get out the hell out of my life...00:02:59,440 --> 00:03:00,429
like you promised.00:03:04,240 --> 00:03:08,631
- Yeah, that's not gonna happen.00:03:09,280 --> 00:03:11,919
This is a sweet operation that we got going here, you know?00:03:12,080 --> 00:03:14,799
You getting the access codes and us pulling the jobs.00:03:14,960 --> 00:03:18,430
Wait, wait, wait. We had a deal, Kevin.00:03:18,600 --> 00:03:22,115
You promised me I do this one thing for you and then you leave me alone.00:03:22,280 --> 00:03:25,989
I know and I meant that, all right?00:03:26,160 --> 00:03:29,630
But things change, okay? And...00:03:29,800 --> 00:03:31,677
Well, we can get rich off of this, Jenny.00:03:31,840 --> 00:03:33,319
You can't do this to me, Kevin.00:03:34,360 --> 00:03:36,191
Jenny, please...00:03:36,840 --> 00:03:38,239
Look, bitch.00:03:38,400 --> 00:03:39,799
You're in this up to your neck.00:03:39,960 --> 00:03:42,110
Want your boss and your boyfriend finding out...00:03:42,280 --> 00:03:44,271
you're not who you say you are?00:03:44,480 --> 00:03:47,119
You're gonna be our golden goose, okay?00:03:53,480 --> 00:03:55,311
Hello? Dana.00:03:56,080 --> 00:03:57,877
What are you doing? We've got a situation.00:03:58,040 --> 00:03:59,917
You need to be on the floor.00:04:00,920 --> 00:04:03,559
- Dana.00:04:03,720 --> 00:04:05,199
Who was on the phone just now?00:04:05,360 --> 00:04:07,635
- That's none of your business.00:04:07,800 --> 00:04:10,473
You start sneaking away to make calls or leave the office...00:04:10,640 --> 00:04:14,633
making me cover for you, it becomes my business. Now, who was that?00:04:15,120 --> 00:04:17,634
- Kevin?00:04:18,720 --> 00:04:20,199
Are you spying on me?00:04:20,360 --> 00:04:22,237
Look, you wanna step out on your fianc00:04:22,400 --> 00:04:24,630
fine with me. God knows I've got no love...00:04:24,800 --> 00:04:27,473
You have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not cheating.00:04:27,640 --> 00:04:29,437
Okay, whatever you wanna call it...00:04:29,600 --> 00:04:33,832
you'd better start telling your boyfriend what's going on or I will.00:04:34,640 --> 00:04:38,599
Now, come on. Our undercover operation just went south.00:04:38,760 --> 00:04:39,749
What's happened?00:04:39,920 --> 00:04:42,832
Jack Bauer was grabbed by an unknown group of armed Russians.00:04:43,000 --> 00:04:45,230
We think they're in control of the nuclear rods.00:04:45,400 --> 00:04:48,472
- Are we tracking them?00:04:48,640 --> 00:04:50,756
They took Bauer through an underground access.00:04:50,920 --> 00:04:53,434
Without support, best my people could do was track him...00:04:53,600 --> 00:04:55,875
to a drainage junction near Avenue Y and Ocean.00:04:56,040 --> 00:04:59,032
They must have had a vehicle. Jack's phone was trashed at the scene.00:04:59,200 --> 00:05:01,668
There has to be something to help us ID the vehicle.00:05:01,840 --> 00:05:04,400
Tire treads, transmission fluid, oil residue?00:05:04,560 --> 00:05:07,757
- There's nothing, the trail's gone cold.00:05:07,920 --> 00:05:10,798
She get a good look at these people? I don't know, sir.00:05:11,280 --> 00:05:13,236
Frankly, she's pretty messed up right now.00:05:13,400 --> 00:05:15,311
Blaming herself for Jack's circumstances.00:05:15,480 --> 00:05:18,631
She should. She crippled this operation when she murdered her contact.00:05:18,800 --> 00:05:21,519
Without Vladimir Laitanan, we have no lead to finding Bauer...00:05:21,680 --> 00:05:22,954
or the nuclear materials.00:05:23,120 --> 00:05:24,872
You get her back to CTU for debriefing.00:05:25,040 --> 00:05:27,270
- I wanna know what the hell happened.00:05:28,160 --> 00:05:30,754
Might wanna consider running a psych eval when we arrive.00:05:30,920 --> 00:05:32,239
Count on it.00:05:33,200 --> 00:05:36,510
You were supposed to be coordinating with the NSA monitoring chatter.00:05:36,680 --> 00:05:38,477
Something came up. Had to take care of it.00:05:38,640 --> 00:05:39,914
What was so important?00:05:41,520 --> 00:05:43,238
It's my fault, Mr. Hastings.00:05:43,400 --> 00:05:46,472
I asked Dana to recover a data log I accidentally deleted.00:05:46,640 --> 00:05:50,474
I didn't have clearance. I'm uplinking to NSA servers now.00:05:54,560 --> 00:05:56,551
All right. Just get on it.00:05:56,720 --> 00:05:58,756
Roll back chatter within the last 20 minutes.00:05:58,920 --> 00:06:00,876
Right now that's all we've got.00:06:01,040 --> 00:06:04,828
Let me know if something turns up. I need to brief President Taylor.00:06:06,720 --> 00:06:08,870
- Thank you.00:06:09,040 --> 00:06:11,600
whatever it is bothering you and helping me find Jack.00:06:11,760 --> 00:06:14,035
He's my friend and he's in trouble.00:06:28,520 --> 00:06:30,397
Take him down the hall.00:06:35,520 --> 00:06:37,670
- Where is Vladimir?00:06:38,800 --> 00:06:40,074
And so are his men.00:06:40,240 --> 00:06:42,629
The German said they tried to rip him off.00:06:44,080 --> 00:06:46,389
Did he also say how he knows about the fuel rods?00:07:12,000 --> 00:07:13,115
Who are you?00:07:13,840 --> 00:07:15,114
Ernst Meier.00:07:15,680 --> 00:07:17,910
I've been looking for you to make you an offer.00:07:18,360 --> 00:07:20,396
You know who I am? No.00:07:20,560 --> 00:07:22,869
There's a powerful man in the Russian syndicate...00:07:23,040 --> 00:07:25,190
who's been trafficking weapons-grade uranium...00:07:25,360 --> 00:07:27,271
specifically U-235 fuel rods.00:07:27,440 --> 00:07:29,351
After the nasty business with Laitanan...00:07:29,520 --> 00:07:33,354
these men brought me here, so I'm just assuming you're that man.00:07:33,800 --> 00:07:36,030
Where did you get this information?00:07:36,200 --> 00:07:38,589
I represent a consortium of private interests.00:07:38,760 --> 00:07:41,115
They intercepted communiqu00:07:42,000 --> 00:07:43,433
From whom?00:07:45,280 --> 00:07:46,315
Farhad Hassan.00:07:47,240 --> 00:07:48,229
Someone in his camp.00:07:48,400 --> 00:07:50,960
Either case, you're doing business with the wrong people.00:07:51,120 --> 00:07:54,112
And who are these people, the ones you work for?00:07:55,880 --> 00:07:59,031
I'm sure you can understand I'm not at liberty to say.00:08:06,960 --> 00:08:10,635
You should be more concerned about the deal that they're willing offer you.00:08:10,800 --> 00:08:12,870
I'm not interested in your offer.00:08:13,040 --> 00:08:17,352
Two hundred fifty million dollars, half to be to you wired immediately.00:08:18,000 --> 00:08:21,151
The other half you'll receive upon final acquisition of the fuel rods.00:08:29,360 --> 00:08:31,476
You pose a very difficult problem for me.00:08:31,640 --> 00:08:34,552
You show up out of nowhere knowing far too much of my business...00:08:34,720 --> 00:08:36,199
yet I have never heard of you.00:08:36,360 --> 00:08:39,113
You've never heard of me because I'm good at what I do.00:08:39,280 --> 00:08:43,558
What I'm concerned about is that you're a cop.00:08:44,120 --> 00:08:47,430
I killed people at that garage. Vladimir Laitanan, I stabbed in the eye.00:08:47,960 --> 00:08:49,996
You really think I'm a cop?00:08:51,240 --> 00:08:55,279
As a child, I saw a KGB throw an entire family off the roof of a building.00:08:56,120 --> 00:08:58,509
Two of them small children.00:08:58,800 --> 00:09:01,519
I know what cops are capable of.00:09:01,680 --> 00:09:03,910
So I ask you again, who do you work for?00:09:04,760 --> 00:09:06,716
I'm sorry, I can't tell you that.00:09:07,560 --> 00:09:10,199
Dimitri, work on him until he's ready to tell us everything.00:09:12,240 --> 00:09:14,231
No, we can make a deal.00:09:14,400 --> 00:09:17,995
We can still make a deal! No! No!00:09:28,240 --> 00:09:29,992
You have buried your brother's body?00:09:40,800 --> 00:09:42,756
It's Oleg's necklace.00:09:43,680 --> 00:09:45,830
You gave it to him at his confirmation.00:09:48,560 --> 00:09:49,595
You keep it.00:09:51,000 --> 00:09:52,956
To remind you of him.00:09:55,920 --> 00:09:57,990
I'm glad you're back.00:09:58,320 --> 00:10:00,356
We may have a problem.00:10:00,680 --> 00:10:01,669
What is it?00:10:01,840 --> 00:10:05,992
There is a man down the hall who claims to be an arms broker.00:10:06,160 --> 00:10:08,071
He knows about the nuclear rods.00:10:10,000 --> 00:10:11,672
- How?00:10:11,840 --> 00:10:15,549
from Farhad's people, but I wonder.00:10:16,720 --> 00:10:20,599
Until I know who and what this man is, I've stopped the transport of the rods.00:10:20,760 --> 00:10:23,638
They've been redirected to our weigh station off Wantagh Parkway.00:10:23,800 --> 00:10:26,155
I'm sure Farhad can't be happy about that.00:10:27,240 --> 00:10:29,310
I haven't told him yet.00:10:33,160 --> 00:10:34,957
Perhaps we should tell him together.00:10:37,440 --> 00:10:40,079
- How long do you plan to hold him off?00:10:40,240 --> 00:10:41,275
On what?00:10:41,440 --> 00:10:44,238
On how long it takes Dimitri to break this guy.00:10:56,400 --> 00:10:57,992
Okay, Mr. Policeman.00:10:58,160 --> 00:11:00,151
I'm not a cop. I swear to you.00:11:00,320 --> 00:11:01,673
Please don't do this.00:11:06,840 --> 00:11:08,239
Tell me what you know.00:11:27,920 --> 00:11:31,674
We are exhausting all efforts to ascertain who took Bauer and where.00:11:31,840 --> 00:11:34,070
But until any progress is made, we have to hope...00:11:34,240 --> 00:11:37,073
... Jack can find some way of salvaging the operation on his end.00:11:37,240 --> 00:11:39,276
What even makes you think he's still alive?00:11:39,440 --> 00:11:42,000
Only the fact he wasn't killed at the point of abduction.00:11:42,160 --> 00:11:44,071
Mr. Hastings, I need a realistic assessment.00:11:44,240 --> 00:11:47,198
What are the odds of finding and securing these nuclear weapons...00:11:47,360 --> 00:11:49,749
- within the next few hours?00:11:49,920 --> 00:11:53,276
But the longer we're out of touch with Bauer, the less likely our chances.00:11:53,440 --> 00:11:54,953
All right, Mr. Hastings.00:11:55,120 --> 00:11:59,033
Continue to coordinate with my office. I want updates every 30 minutes.00:11:59,200 --> 00:12:00,679
Yes, ma'am.00:12:02,000 --> 00:12:05,276
I just spoke to General Wasim. He's very worried.00:12:05,440 --> 00:12:08,079
Your brother's crackdowns back home are intensifying.00:12:08,640 --> 00:12:10,232
Everyone is being arrested.00:12:10,400 --> 00:12:13,551
- Our window of opportunity is closing.00:12:13,720 --> 00:12:16,871
Perhaps he's losing confidence in your ability to complete our mission.00:12:17,040 --> 00:12:20,794
- This is my mission. My plan.00:12:20,960 --> 00:12:23,952
We're running out of time. If your brother dismantles our forces...00:12:24,120 --> 00:12:26,873
we will no longer be able to reconstitute our nuclear program.00:12:27,040 --> 00:12:30,237
- He won't succeed.00:12:30,600 --> 00:12:33,160
How much longer must we wait for delivery of the uranium?00:12:33,720 --> 00:12:34,835
Not long.00:12:35,000 --> 00:12:38,151
The rods should be arriving to you within the hour. Have your men ready.00:12:39,680 --> 00:12:41,398
I'll call you back.00:12:42,800 --> 00:12:44,028
Yes? What is it?00:12:44,440 --> 00:12:46,271
There is a man downstairs who's shown up...00:12:46,440 --> 00:12:47,839
to outbid you for the rods.00:12:48,000 --> 00:12:50,560
Is this some attempt to renegotiate terms?00:12:50,720 --> 00:12:51,709
Not at all.00:12:51,880 --> 00:12:55,589
This man, Meier, claims someone in your organization tipped him off to our deal.00:12:55,760 --> 00:12:56,875
Not possible. He's lying.00:12:57,040 --> 00:12:59,190
At any rate, in light of his sudden appearance...00:12:59,360 --> 00:13:02,397
- I'm halting delivery for the time being.00:13:02,560 --> 00:13:05,996
It's already done. I cannot take the risk that we may be exposed.00:13:06,160 --> 00:13:09,357
The longer you delay, the more time my brother has to crush his enemies.00:13:09,520 --> 00:13:11,829
If he manages to purge everyone who opposes him...00:13:12,000 --> 00:13:14,958
- the uranium is worthless to me.00:13:15,120 --> 00:13:17,998
Mine is to make certain this Meier is not a policeman.00:13:18,160 --> 00:13:19,752
One of my men is interrogating him.00:13:19,920 --> 00:13:21,911
That could take hours, even days.00:13:22,080 --> 00:13:23,433
Not days.00:13:23,600 --> 00:13:25,511
I can promise you that.00:13:25,680 --> 00:13:28,240
You promised to assassinate my brother too.00:13:28,400 --> 00:13:30,630
Your failure has put me under enormous pressure.00:13:30,800 --> 00:13:33,553
Now, because of your people's inability to maintain secrecy...00:13:33,720 --> 00:13:37,599
you break our agreed timetable to suit your needs.00:13:38,640 --> 00:13:40,517
Don't speak to my father that way.00:13:41,080 --> 00:13:43,958
We've honored every agreement we made with you...00:13:44,120 --> 00:13:45,633
and shed a lot of blood for it.00:13:45,800 --> 00:13:47,677
My father's allowed you to stay here...00:13:47,840 --> 00:13:51,276
and hide from the feds at great personal risk to our family.00:13:51,920 --> 00:13:55,276
Tell him to put the gun down.00:13:55,440 --> 00:13:59,433
No. We're not taking any more of your demands.00:13:59,600 --> 00:14:01,113
Throw him out of here.00:14:01,560 --> 00:14:04,677
Let his own people shelter him if he thinks we're such fools.00:14:04,840 --> 00:14:07,877
I'll drive him there myself if that's what it takes.00:14:12,240 --> 00:14:14,390
It would seem you have used up our hospitality.00:14:14,560 --> 00:14:18,838
Perhaps it's best you join your men at the rendezvous point to wait for delivery.00:14:22,320 --> 00:14:23,719
And when will that be?00:14:23,880 --> 00:14:27,111
When I think it's safe. Not a moment before.00:14:34,680 --> 00:14:36,989
Make sure he gets where he's going.00:15:00,680 --> 00:15:03,831
I got men at the scene in case we missed something. In the meantime...00:15:04,000 --> 00:15:06,673
I'll work out the aerial sweep protocols with Arlo.00:15:07,280 --> 00:15:08,872
What are you doing to find Jack?00:15:09,040 --> 00:15:11,031
Everything we can, Miss Walker. Come with me.00:15:11,800 --> 00:15:14,268
Have you checked all the traffic cams, subway routes?00:15:14,440 --> 00:15:17,512
You have all this technology. Comm surveillance, satellite tracking.00:15:17,680 --> 00:15:20,433
We're using everything at our disposal.00:15:20,600 --> 00:15:23,717
Then how come you haven't found him yet? Why don't you have any leads?00:15:23,880 --> 00:15:25,836
The best lead we had is dead.00:15:27,680 --> 00:15:29,511
I know about your suicide attempt.00:15:29,680 --> 00:15:31,557
You should have been honest with me.00:15:32,160 --> 00:15:34,549
Now, O'Brian will take your statement.00:15:34,720 --> 00:15:36,119
I want to know every detail...00:15:36,280 --> 00:15:39,272
about every event leading up to the death of Vladimir Laitanan.00:15:45,800 --> 00:15:47,438
When she's done, take her to medical.00:15:47,600 --> 00:15:51,195
- I've ordered a full psych evaluation.00:15:56,680 --> 00:15:58,955
Uh, you can write your statement here.00:16:06,280 --> 00:16:09,795
Hastings blames me for what happened to Jack and he's right.00:16:09,960 --> 00:16:13,157
No, he's not. He shouldn't have said that.00:16:13,600 --> 00:16:17,559
The only reason that Jack was even part of this operation was because of me.00:16:18,320 --> 00:16:21,835
So whatever they're doing to him right now, it's because of me.00:16:25,120 --> 00:16:26,314
I have to find him, Chloe.00:16:26,480 --> 00:16:29,278
Renee, I know how you must feel.00:16:30,040 --> 00:16:31,439
Just...00:16:32,240 --> 00:16:34,549
Just take one thing at a time.00:16:35,000 --> 00:16:37,798
You have to deal with what you did.00:16:38,640 --> 00:16:40,676
So write your statement.00:16:41,280 --> 00:16:42,713
I'll check back with you.00:16:51,600 --> 00:16:53,511
- Cole.00:16:54,280 --> 00:16:56,077
Do you have time? I need to talk to you.00:16:56,240 --> 00:16:59,630
Can it wait? I need to review these protocols before Arlo distributes them.00:16:59,800 --> 00:17:01,028
I've got it covered.00:17:01,200 --> 00:17:03,714
Go talk to your girlfriend.00:17:13,360 --> 00:17:17,797
- What's up? You all right?00:17:17,960 --> 00:17:18,949
I have a big problem.00:17:19,120 --> 00:17:24,717
And it's the reason why I've been acting kind of weird the past few days.00:17:24,880 --> 00:17:26,393
Okay.00:17:28,840 --> 00:17:32,389
If you're calling off the engagement, you couldn't have picked a worse day.00:17:33,280 --> 00:17:36,238
No. No, I would never do that.00:17:36,400 --> 00:17:39,119
Good. So what's bothering you?00:17:40,400 --> 00:17:44,313
There are things about my past that I haven't told you.00:17:45,040 --> 00:17:46,553
I'm listening.00:17:49,840 --> 00:17:52,035
Hey, I'm sure I haven't told you everything...00:17:52,200 --> 00:17:53,997
about my past either.00:17:54,160 --> 00:17:56,833
I don't care what happened before I met you.00:17:57,000 --> 00:18:00,231
All that matters is now and what we have to look forward to.00:18:01,880 --> 00:18:04,348
I think that's all that matters too.00:18:04,520 --> 00:18:06,875
So, what are you so worried about?00:18:08,840 --> 00:18:10,637
I don't wanna lose you.00:18:11,440 --> 00:18:13,351
I'm not going anywhere.00:18:15,640 --> 00:18:19,030
Excuse me. Agent Ortiz, Mr. Hastings needs to see you in his office.00:18:19,200 --> 00:18:21,634
- Tell him I'll be there as soon as I can.00:18:21,800 --> 00:18:23,916
- Hastings can wait.00:18:24,080 --> 00:18:27,755
Talking to you has helped. I think I know what I need to do now.00:18:28,840 --> 00:18:30,353
- You sure?00:18:32,120 --> 00:18:35,715
Great. Maybe later, you tell me what this is all about?00:18:35,880 --> 00:18:37,632
Ha, ha. Mm-hm.00:18:54,200 --> 00:18:55,872
Who do you work for?00:19:01,520 --> 00:19:03,112
Who else knows about the fuel rods?00:19:05,480 --> 00:19:08,950
Everybody has a limit. Don't worry.00:19:09,520 --> 00:19:11,476
I'll find yours.00:19:14,200 --> 00:19:15,758
You're working with the police.00:19:16,240 --> 00:19:18,959
Admit it. Tell me and the pain will stop.00:19:19,120 --> 00:19:20,189
Who else knows?00:19:24,480 --> 00:19:28,359
I told you I'm not a cop. Please.00:19:29,160 --> 00:19:32,232
I'm just a businessman. Please don't hurt me.00:19:32,400 --> 00:19:33,469
Who do you work for?00:19:35,040 --> 00:19:37,110
I'm an independent contractor.00:19:37,280 --> 00:19:40,477
I couldn't even tell you if I wanted. Please.00:19:41,640 --> 00:19:43,198
We'll see.00:19:50,920 --> 00:19:52,512
Wake up.00:19:53,440 --> 00:19:54,953
I said wake up.00:21:13,720 --> 00:21:15,551
I told you I didn't want to be disturbed.00:21:15,720 --> 00:21:18,314
Your daughter is still demanding to see you, Mr. President.00:21:18,480 --> 00:21:20,391
She refuses to leave.00:21:20,560 --> 00:21:21,913
Very well. Send her in.00:21:27,080 --> 00:21:31,437
Kayla, my love, I'm in the middle of a crisis, so unless it's an emergency...00:21:31,600 --> 00:21:33,477
It is an emergency.00:21:33,640 --> 00:21:36,074
We need to talk about you having Tarin arrested.00:21:36,240 --> 00:21:38,595
Tarin has been taken to the embassy...00:21:38,760 --> 00:21:41,957
to help clarify a few questions, strictly routine.00:21:42,120 --> 00:21:44,509
I know you believe he's been working against you.00:21:44,680 --> 00:21:46,910
What I don't understand is why.00:21:49,040 --> 00:21:50,678
He refused to follow my orders.00:21:50,840 --> 00:21:53,957
You asked him to arrest the family of one of your delegates.00:21:54,120 --> 00:21:56,076
A man you considered a friend.00:21:56,240 --> 00:21:59,038
Kayla, this is a matter of state. It doesn't concern you.00:21:59,200 --> 00:22:00,838
It doesn't make sense.00:22:01,000 --> 00:22:04,515
Tarin was in the car with you. If the assassination attempt was successful...00:22:04,680 --> 00:22:06,113
he would've been killed too.00:22:06,280 --> 00:22:08,555
World's full of men willing to die for their cause.00:22:08,720 --> 00:22:12,508
I know you consider Tarin a friend. And your loyalty is commendable.00:22:12,680 --> 00:22:14,113
But trust me, I have my reasons.00:22:15,000 --> 00:22:16,638
We are more than friends.00:22:16,800 --> 00:22:20,713
We're in love, and have been for almost a year.00:22:24,520 --> 00:22:29,355
You've been carrying on with this man behind my back?00:22:29,520 --> 00:22:34,469
You say that to me, after driving mother away with your infidelity.00:22:36,920 --> 00:22:38,399
Please, Father.00:22:38,560 --> 00:22:40,391
Don't let Uncle Farhad's betrayal...00:22:40,560 --> 00:22:44,030
turn you against everyone who cares about you.00:22:44,840 --> 00:22:47,308
I can't think of a better way...00:22:47,480 --> 00:22:51,189
to completely infiltrate my life and influence my judgment...00:22:51,360 --> 00:22:53,316
than getting close to my daughter.00:22:53,480 --> 00:22:55,277
It's not like that.00:22:55,440 --> 00:22:57,510
You're not to see that man again, ever.00:22:58,560 --> 00:23:00,471
- Father...00:23:00,640 --> 00:23:02,835
I need to get back to my work.00:23:04,720 --> 00:23:06,631
What's happening to you?00:24:26,720 --> 00:24:28,392
Come on.00:24:30,880 --> 00:24:32,393
Damn it.00:24:37,400 --> 00:24:39,550
I'm holding the rods until Meier comes clean...00:24:39,720 --> 00:24:41,153
about how he knew of the transfer.00:24:41,680 --> 00:24:44,353
If what Meier said is true about the leak in Farhad's team...00:24:44,520 --> 00:24:45,794
it'll be dangerous for us.00:24:45,960 --> 00:24:48,076
So we must unload the rods, finish this.00:24:48,240 --> 00:24:50,196
Let them be someone else's problem...00:24:50,360 --> 00:24:52,078
and we erase any evidence.00:24:52,640 --> 00:24:56,315
Once Dimitri is finished, and I'm satisfied the German is telling the truth...00:24:56,480 --> 00:24:59,597
I'm going to want to hand over the rods to Farhad tonight.00:25:09,040 --> 00:25:11,679
Keep your men out of sight along the perimeter.00:25:11,840 --> 00:25:14,832
Mikhail and his men will stay with the cargo.00:25:20,400 --> 00:25:23,233
Check to see if the rest of the street lost power.00:25:28,080 --> 00:25:29,672
Just us.00:25:30,160 --> 00:25:33,277
It's Meier. Cover the exits.00:25:36,920 --> 00:25:38,148
Check the fuse box.00:25:38,320 --> 00:25:39,469
Okay.00:26:29,440 --> 00:26:31,510
CTU. O'Brian. Chloe, it's Jack.00:26:31,680 --> 00:26:33,432
Jack, everyone's been looking for you.00:26:33,600 --> 00:26:36,068
I need you to trace this call, send a team immediately.00:26:36,240 --> 00:26:37,832
- Jack?00:26:38,240 --> 00:26:39,639
Jack...00:28:21,920 --> 00:28:24,309
N.Y.P.D.'s got the perimeter locked down?00:28:24,480 --> 00:28:27,153
The restaurant and everything in a block radius is secure.00:28:27,320 --> 00:28:29,356
Our response team will be there soon.00:28:30,600 --> 00:28:33,831
- Where's Dana?00:28:34,000 --> 00:28:37,151
Something about fixing a faulty relay at our 17th Street station.00:28:37,320 --> 00:28:39,197
Why didn't maintenance take care of it?00:28:39,360 --> 00:28:40,509
Good question.00:28:40,680 --> 00:28:43,035
She had to manually reboot the firmware herself.00:28:43,560 --> 00:28:45,357
That's what she said anyway.00:28:46,120 --> 00:28:49,032
- Where are we with this man Bazhaev?00:28:49,200 --> 00:28:52,954
I've cross-accessed interagency servers, also Interpol and FSB.00:28:53,120 --> 00:28:56,556
I'm relaying intel as it comes into our response team and to Jack.00:28:56,720 --> 00:28:58,790
Good. Put it up on screen.00:29:01,000 --> 00:29:04,390
Okay, people. We've ID'd the suspect we have in custody.00:29:05,040 --> 00:29:08,237
His name is Sergei Petrovich Bazhaev.00:29:08,400 --> 00:29:10,595
Ukrainian national, 61 years of age.00:29:10,760 --> 00:29:13,991
Now, we believe he knows the location of the unsecured nuclear rods.00:29:14,160 --> 00:29:17,675
Tactical is on its way to transport him back here for interrogation.00:29:17,840 --> 00:29:20,479
Agent Ortiz will coordinate operations from here.00:29:30,920 --> 00:29:32,990
Is it true? You found Jack?00:29:33,160 --> 00:29:34,718
Yeah. He's okay.00:29:37,000 --> 00:29:40,117
If you're finished with your statement, I need to take you to medical.00:29:40,280 --> 00:29:42,396
No. No. I wanna be here when Jack gets back.00:29:42,560 --> 00:29:45,028
I'll let him know where to find you. Come on.00:29:46,960 --> 00:29:49,599
This should hold you. But you have to go to the hospital.00:29:49,760 --> 00:29:51,113
- Okay.00:29:51,280 --> 00:29:53,589
They uploaded the suspect's file right now.00:29:57,520 --> 00:29:59,829
- How far is CTU?00:30:00,000 --> 00:30:02,560
It's all right. I got it. Thanks.00:30:17,240 --> 00:30:20,391
Sergeant, I need to speak with this man alone.00:30:30,240 --> 00:30:31,639
I knew you were a cop.00:30:31,800 --> 00:30:34,473
I should've trusted my instincts and killed you on the spot.00:30:35,080 --> 00:30:36,877
You can add it to your list of regrets.00:30:38,560 --> 00:30:43,873
CTU's already acquired a great deal of intel on you, Mr. Bazhaev.00:30:45,400 --> 00:30:48,312
It's over. You know that, right? You're finished.00:30:50,640 --> 00:30:52,756
I mean, we've got you on kidnapping and murder.00:30:52,920 --> 00:30:54,717
That's before CTU rips this place apart...00:30:54,880 --> 00:30:57,519
and uncovers the rest of your criminal activity.00:30:58,160 --> 00:31:02,358
Lucky for you though, I'm only interested in one thing.00:31:02,520 --> 00:31:08,197
And that's acquisition of those fuel rods. So if you were to cooperate...00:31:08,360 --> 00:31:12,273
help me out there, that would go a long way to reducing...00:31:12,440 --> 00:31:15,671
what is clearly gonna be a very long prison sentence.00:31:16,680 --> 00:31:18,796
That offer extends to both of your sons too.00:31:20,080 --> 00:31:23,072
Josef and Oleg.00:31:24,520 --> 00:31:25,953
Oleg is dead.00:31:26,400 --> 00:31:28,789
He was exposed to the rods.00:31:29,680 --> 00:31:32,558
Became ill with radiation poisoning.00:31:32,720 --> 00:31:37,111
He was suffering and I shot him.00:31:38,000 --> 00:31:40,560
As if he was just a sick dog.00:31:42,960 --> 00:31:45,520
I murdered my own son.00:31:46,800 --> 00:31:48,631
For nothing.00:31:58,880 --> 00:32:00,916
You want to know where the rods are?00:32:01,080 --> 00:32:03,913
I will tell you. But I want full immunity.00:32:04,360 --> 00:32:07,113
Not just for me, but for my other son, Josef.00:32:07,280 --> 00:32:11,592
- I don't think I can make that happen.00:32:23,760 --> 00:32:25,910
I'll see what I can do.00:32:33,040 --> 00:32:36,077
- CTU. O'Brian.00:32:36,240 --> 00:32:38,435
I think he's in a briefing with President Taylor.00:32:38,600 --> 00:32:40,716
Even better. See if you can patch me in, okay?00:32:40,880 --> 00:32:42,313
Okay.00:32:42,800 --> 00:32:45,030
Mr. Hastings, it's Farhad Hassan I'm worried about.00:32:45,200 --> 00:32:47,430
How do we know he hasn't acquired the rods already?00:32:47,600 --> 00:32:50,068
Based on the intel, the transfer hasn't taken place yet.00:32:50,240 --> 00:32:53,198
Madam President, excuse the interruption. Jack Bauer's on the line.00:32:53,360 --> 00:32:55,828
- He wishes to be conferenced in.00:32:56,000 --> 00:32:59,913
Jack, it's President Taylor. You're on with Mr. Hastings and my chief of staff.00:33:00,080 --> 00:33:02,958
CTU's been keeping me apprised of your involvement in this.00:33:03,120 --> 00:33:05,759
And I'm sorry that it's taken this long for us to speak.00:33:05,920 --> 00:33:08,150
I understand, forgive me for getting to the point...00:33:08,320 --> 00:33:11,756
but the man we've in custody, Sergei Bazhaev, is willing to cooperate.00:33:11,920 --> 00:33:15,276
He said he would hand over the fuel rods in exchange for full immunity.00:33:15,440 --> 00:33:18,159
Is that all? Why don't we give a parade down Broadway too?00:33:18,320 --> 00:33:19,799
You've been dealing with this man.00:33:19,960 --> 00:33:22,599
Is there no other way to get the location out of him?00:33:22,760 --> 00:33:25,433
It says in his files he did 12 years in a Russian labor camp.00:33:25,880 --> 00:33:29,190
In the time frame we have, we're not gonna break him, Madam President.00:33:29,360 --> 00:33:32,477
- I can see it in his eyes.00:33:32,640 --> 00:33:35,916
Well, at first blush, I'd say an immunity deal is premature...00:33:36,080 --> 00:33:40,073
but under the circumstances, I'll defer to Jack's judgment on this.00:33:40,240 --> 00:33:43,277
I have a peace deal that's gonna fall apart at any moment...00:33:43,440 --> 00:33:46,477
unless I can show President Hassan we have stopped his brother...00:33:46,640 --> 00:33:49,359
from smuggling those fuel rods out of the country.00:33:50,640 --> 00:33:52,073
Make the deal, Jack.00:33:52,240 --> 00:33:54,800
He's gonna want this in writing. He'll get it.00:33:54,960 --> 00:33:58,270
But in the interests of expediency, put him on the phone with me.00:33:58,440 --> 00:34:00,032
Yes, ma'am.00:34:03,320 --> 00:34:05,629
President of the United States wants to talk to you.00:34:18,360 --> 00:34:21,033
- Wanna tell me what's going on?00:34:21,200 --> 00:34:23,998
You were implying something about Dana. I wanna know what it is.00:34:26,080 --> 00:34:29,516
When she came before and said she had to talk to you, what did she tell you?00:34:29,680 --> 00:34:32,194
Nothing. She said she had a problem, but she'd handle it.00:34:32,360 --> 00:34:34,669
- That's it?00:34:34,840 --> 00:34:35,989
Okay, look.00:34:36,920 --> 00:34:40,230
It's none of my business, and I didn't wanna be the one to tell you this...00:34:40,400 --> 00:34:42,755
but I think she went to meet some guy.00:34:46,320 --> 00:34:47,514
You're out of your mind.00:34:48,080 --> 00:34:49,832
Take a look at this.00:34:54,640 --> 00:34:55,675
Who is he?00:34:55,840 --> 00:34:58,274
Checked with the gate. They said his name's Kevin Wade.00:34:58,440 --> 00:35:00,476
Identified himself as a friend.00:35:01,600 --> 00:35:03,989
Okay, so he's a friend.00:35:16,440 --> 00:35:17,509
Cole.00:35:18,360 --> 00:35:20,555
Bazhaev's given the location of the nuclear rods.00:35:21,000 --> 00:35:24,390
I've already scrambled a nest team. Meet your unit at the helipad.00:35:24,560 --> 00:35:26,471
Coordinates will be relayed to you en route.00:35:26,640 --> 00:35:27,914
Yes, sir.00:35:29,120 --> 00:35:30,473
You think you can find her?00:35:30,640 --> 00:35:32,710
I could if all the drones weren't committed.00:35:33,200 --> 00:35:34,315
What about a cell trace?00:35:36,160 --> 00:35:37,639
Just do it.00:36:06,480 --> 00:36:08,675
I don't know where you are or what you're doing...00:36:08,840 --> 00:36:12,071
but I need you to call me as soon as you get this. It's important.00:36:12,640 --> 00:36:14,119
I love you.00:36:22,000 --> 00:36:23,831
Thank you, sir. Sorry.00:36:24,000 --> 00:36:25,399
Don't worry about it.00:36:46,320 --> 00:36:49,596
- Miss Kayla, no.00:36:49,760 --> 00:36:50,954
Your father forbids it.00:36:54,280 --> 00:36:57,113
- I'm sorry. I'm just doing my job.00:36:57,560 --> 00:37:01,189
He brought you into my father's security detail, and this is how you repay him?00:37:03,360 --> 00:37:06,955
You're his friend, Nabeel. You know he's innocent.00:37:08,000 --> 00:37:09,194
What would you have me do?00:37:09,360 --> 00:37:12,477
Just let me speak to him. A few minutes is all I ask.00:37:12,640 --> 00:37:14,471
I can't let you in now.00:37:15,880 --> 00:37:19,839
Tarin's going to be readied for transport to our embassy in an hour.00:37:20,000 --> 00:37:22,230
I will find a moment you can see him before then.00:37:23,120 --> 00:37:24,712
Thank you, Nabeel.00:37:25,720 --> 00:37:27,756
Now go before we're both in trouble.00:37:36,360 --> 00:37:40,399
Cole, the nest team's ETA is two minutes from target site.00:37:40,560 --> 00:37:43,791
Now the HAZMAT crew will wait for your signal to move in.00:37:43,960 --> 00:37:49,318
Be advised, the truck with the fuel rods is being guarded by two armed hostiles.00:37:49,480 --> 00:37:50,879
We have a deal with their boss.00:37:51,040 --> 00:37:53,031
Why haven't they been ordered to stand down?00:37:53,200 --> 00:37:56,590
Well, Jack's understanding is that these men are hard cases.00:37:56,760 --> 00:37:58,034
They won't roll over easily.00:37:58,200 --> 00:38:00,839
We cannot take the risk that they'll flee with the rods.00:38:01,000 --> 00:38:03,594
- Understood.00:38:03,760 --> 00:38:05,830
you'll transport them to Fort Hamilton.00:38:06,000 --> 00:38:08,912
We're clearing that air corridor as we speak.00:38:11,840 --> 00:38:14,957
Command, we see the truck, but there's no sign of hostiles.00:38:15,120 --> 00:38:17,554
Approaching the waste station now. Stand by.00:38:17,720 --> 00:38:19,278
Set us down there.00:38:36,240 --> 00:38:37,673
Eyes up. There. Go. Go.00:38:37,840 --> 00:38:38,829
On the truck.00:38:43,400 --> 00:38:45,277
Let's go. Go.00:38:45,440 --> 00:38:48,716
Picking up trace radiation. Thirty millirads. It's safe.00:38:49,120 --> 00:38:50,348
Go, go. Move in.00:39:12,520 --> 00:39:13,509
We're clear.00:39:21,840 --> 00:39:23,273
Command, are you seeing this?00:39:23,440 --> 00:39:26,750
I am. Where the hell are the rods?00:39:27,240 --> 00:39:30,676
We picked up trace radiation signatures. The rods were here.00:39:30,840 --> 00:39:33,035
Right now, all we have are two bodies, both shot.00:39:33,200 --> 00:39:35,111
Hey, Agent Ortiz.00:39:58,120 --> 00:39:59,189
Hey, man.00:39:59,360 --> 00:40:01,954
Come on, man, you can have a good time.00:40:02,160 --> 00:40:04,196
It's okay. It's okay to laugh once in a while.00:40:04,360 --> 00:40:05,679
You can be a happy person.00:40:13,040 --> 00:40:14,792
- This is Bauer.00:40:14,960 --> 00:40:17,520
Our team's at the truck stop. Nuclear rods are not there.00:40:17,680 --> 00:40:20,956
What? Hold on. Say that again.00:40:21,120 --> 00:40:24,715
- I said the rods are not there.00:40:24,880 --> 00:40:27,917
- Did your men go to the right place?00:40:28,080 --> 00:40:30,275
Stop playing and tell us where the rods are.00:40:30,440 --> 00:40:33,512
I told you, they were there. I had two of my men guarding them.00:40:33,680 --> 00:40:35,432
We found their bodies, both shot.00:40:35,600 --> 00:40:37,033
There was something else.00:40:37,200 --> 00:40:39,395
Some necklace hanging on the truck's door.00:40:39,560 --> 00:40:41,198
Like someone wanted to send a message.00:40:41,360 --> 00:40:44,397
What kind of a necklace? A gold cross.00:40:46,920 --> 00:40:48,558
What does that mean?00:40:50,240 --> 00:40:51,832
Josef.00:40:56,080 --> 00:40:57,274
I have the fuel rods.00:40:57,680 --> 00:40:59,079
Really?00:41:00,040 --> 00:41:02,554
I wasn't sure I believed you would betray your father.00:41:02,960 --> 00:41:06,111
You were upset he was holding up delivery. Now I've gotten them.00:41:06,760 --> 00:41:09,991
Won't take long to realize what's happened, so let's get this done fast.00:41:10,160 --> 00:41:12,549
You're worried he'll discover you've replaced him.00:41:12,720 --> 00:41:15,439
No, I want my father to know.00:41:15,600 --> 00:41:17,716
In fact, I made sure he will.00:41:17,880 --> 00:41:19,029
When will you get here?00:41:19,200 --> 00:41:22,636
Less than five minutes. Just have my money ready.