24 season8 Episode02
Dad, I don't know what to say. I'm so happy.24 season8 Episode02
I'd be happy to except Maggie and me have a meeting with Sean's teacher.24 season8 Episode04
- So happy to hear you were okay, though.24 season8 Episode06
She's not going to be happy about that.24 season8 Episode08
I'm sure Farhad can't be happy about that.24 season8 Episode08
You can be a happy person.24 season8 Episode10
This is such a terrible situation. Yet I've never felt so happy.24 season8 Episode15
Hassan isn't happy about Taylor's response to the ultimatum.24 season8 Episode16
Hassan isn't happy about Taylor's response to the ultimatum.24 season8 Episode17
I'll be happy to sit down with you after I've addressed the other delegations.24 season8 Episode17
Well, I'm happy to say that I was wrong about you.24 season8 Episode18
He didn't seem very happy about that.24 season8 Episode20
The White House is unhappy with the way the manhunt for Jack's been handled.24 season8 Episode22
In any case, he's not gonna be happy we tracked him down.24 season8 Episode23
He's not gonna be happy we tracked him down.24 season8 Episode23
and Suvarov will be happy to sweep this under the rug...24 season4 Episode02
I spoke with Omar. He's happy.24 season4 Episode05
You may be happy tapping at a keyboard forever, but I'm not.24 season4 Episode08
She won't be happy when she knows we're using her to find the mole.24 season4 Episode09
and if you can't save my son, I am happy to see the reactors melt down.24 season4 Episode10
If you can't save my son, I am happy to see the reactors melt down.24 season4 Episode16
- I still don't have a speech I'm happy with.24 season4 Episode18
But the president is not going to be happy that his statement can be invalidated.24 season4 Episode22
I would have been happy to skip today.24 season1 Episode12
I don't feel anything except happy he's dead.24 season2 Episode01
She puts on a happy face for everyone, but I know she's hurtin'.24 season2 Episode01
Our pals at the FBI aren't too happy. Goren's the state's only witness against Wald.24 season2 Episode03
And... I just want you to be happy.24 season2 Episode03
Well, then, be happy for me, OK?24 season2 Episode03
That'll make me happy.24 season2 Episode04
If I didn't have to talk to you again I'd be happy.24 season2 Episode05
I have a feeling they're not gonna be happy about the information exchange.24 season2 Episode06
The prime minister may not have been happy about the ambassador's cooperation with us.24 season2 Episode06
That would make you happy, wouldn't it? Isn't that what you wanted all along?24 season2 Episode08
I can imagine you're not happy about all of this.24 season2 Episode08
- I don't think he's very happy about it.24 season2 Episode10
I don't know. Are you happy in this job? Hm?24 season2 Episode10
Find something that makes you happy, do it.24 season2 Episode15
Honey, I want you to live your life. I want you to be happy.24 season2 Episode16
- He doesn't look too happy.24 season2 Episode20
Max is very unhappy.24 season2 Episode20
Max can be unhappy. We're all entitled to our feelings.24 season2 Episode23
I don't resent it or anything. I just... want him to be happy.24 season2 Episode24
He's so happy with what we did here today he doesn't know where to start.24 season5 Episode12
I'm happy that you're alive. I am.24 season5 Episode13
I'm happy that you're alive. I am.24 season5 Episode21
None of us is happy about this, but you don't really have a choice.24 season6 Episode13
- You should be happy for my happiness.24 season6 Episode15
I don't think President Suvarov's gonna be too happy to see you.24 season6 Episode16
how very happy I am to have you with us again.24 season6 Episode16
I... I guess just put this down to happy coincidence.24 season6 Episode17
I know you're not happy you were kept in the dark.24 season6 Episode18
Now, I am happy to honour Agent Bauer's service to this country,24 season6 Episode21
I'm really happy you came back.24 season7 Episode01
but I'll be happy to be proven wrong.24 season7 Episode01
Personally, I don't care what makes you happy, so let's just get this over with.24 season7 Episode10
And you'll be happy to know we have liberated the refugee camps in Kasanga Province.24 season7 Episode15
how happy that makes me.24 season7 Episode17
Some of the men weren't happy drawing down on federal agents.24 season7 Episode19
I'll be happy when this is behind us. Have you heard from Almeida?24 season7 Episode19
They're not happy about their homes being searched without a warrant at 2:30 in the morning.24 season7 Episode22
You do not want this man unhappy with you.24 season3 Episode01
My client's not happy that you won't hold him in Florida.24 season3 Episode01
That makes me happy.24 season3 Episode01
You're happy?24 season3 Episode02
Did you ever stop to think that maybe it would make him happy?24 season3 Episode02
been dating Chase and I don't think my dad's too happy about it.24 season3 Episode02
He's not happy with how I live my life.24 season3 Episode09
Nina, I don't think your client's gonna be too happy24 season3 Episode12
I'm not happy about this. Let's hope Chloe holds it together.24 season3 Episode14
Jack, you're about to find something out about me that's not gonna make you happy.24 season3 Episode14
Look, I'm happy that you're OK, but this thing...24 season3 Episode20
Four years ago when I found out he was alive after all that time... I was so happy.24 season3 Episode24
- I'm very happy for you.00:00:11,678 --> 00:00:13,612
Previously on 24.00:00:14,981 --> 00:00:18,041
Jack? We need a medic!00:00:18,118 --> 00:00:19,949
Bio-agent is more virulent than we thought.00:00:20,020 --> 00:00:23,114
- All we're doing here is just masking the symptoms.00:00:24,858 --> 00:00:26,985
- There's something you may want to consider.00:00:27,060 --> 00:00:29,722
Apossible treatment using stem cells from a genetically compatible donor.00:00:29,796 --> 00:00:31,957
I saw your file. It says you have a daughter.00:00:32,032 --> 00:00:34,330
I don't want my daughter involved in this.00:00:34,401 --> 00:00:36,335
Daddy.00:00:36,403 --> 00:00:39,702
Agent Walker told me that there's a chance-00:00:39,773 --> 00:00:42,674
a small chance that I could help you...00:00:42,742 --> 00:00:44,903
and you don't want me to.00:00:44,978 --> 00:00:49,438
I'm dying, and whatever small chance there is to stop that from happening...00:00:49,516 --> 00:00:51,916
it is not worth the pain...00:00:51,985 --> 00:00:54,579
for me to let you sit there and watch me die.00:00:54,654 --> 00:01:00,559
Jack, Hodges has 13 Python missiles armed with the bioweapons.00:01:00,627 --> 00:01:03,027
He demanded that I recall the planes, or he would launch.00:01:03,096 --> 00:01:05,087
Tony Almeida is still inside Starkwood.00:01:05,165 --> 00:01:08,464
He believes he can gain access to the fuel depot and lay a series of explosive charges...00:01:08,535 --> 00:01:10,469
and take the missiles out.00:01:10,537 --> 00:01:13,700
- What do you think you're doin'?00:01:17,911 --> 00:01:20,471
You're too late.00:01:29,022 --> 00:01:33,356
Jonas, we've taken out your missiles. It's over, and you're under arrest.00:01:33,426 --> 00:01:35,451
You can't even begin to imagine what you're up against.00:01:35,528 --> 00:01:38,497
- What are you talking about?00:01:38,565 --> 00:01:40,556
Agent Moss, this is Davis at auxiliary gate six.00:01:40,633 --> 00:01:43,693
I have a Starkwood op in custody. He was carrying a canister of the bioweapon.00:01:43,770 --> 00:01:46,034
- Are you sure?00:01:48,775 --> 00:01:52,211
One of the Starkwood ops. He's got a canister of the bioweapon.00:01:52,278 --> 00:01:54,303
So I need you to close down all access roads...00:01:54,380 --> 00:01:56,211
and alert perimeter units and Metro Police.00:01:56,282 --> 00:01:58,341
- Janis, get me D.C. Metro.00:01:58,418 --> 00:01:59,908
Let's go!00:02:01,955 --> 00:02:04,753
Come on!00:02:11,664 --> 00:02:14,656
I'm okay. Tony. Tony!00:02:16,603 --> 00:02:18,901
Oh, God. Tony.00:02:26,012 --> 00:02:30,881
The following takes place between 2:00 a. m. And 3:00 a. m.00:02:33,520 --> 00:02:36,683
- Yeah.00:02:36,756 --> 00:02:39,748
You're cleared with White House security at the south entrance.00:02:39,826 --> 00:02:42,989
- How soon do you think you can get there?00:02:43,062 --> 00:02:46,361
- Do you have any more information why Hodges was arrested?00:02:46,432 --> 00:02:49,299
Apparently, Jonas was in some kind of a policy meeting with the president...00:02:49,369 --> 00:02:51,303
and things got out of hand.00:02:51,371 --> 00:02:53,532
And that's when he requested his favorite attorney.00:02:53,606 --> 00:02:56,404
I'm flattered. I'll call you after I've spoken to him.00:02:56,476 --> 00:02:58,467
Thanks a lot.00:03:38,151 --> 00:03:40,381
Hurry it up.00:04:07,647 --> 00:04:10,377
Janis. We just got an I.D. On the suspect.00:04:10,450 --> 00:04:12,714
One of Starkwood's security cameras picked him up leaving the compound.00:04:12,785 --> 00:04:14,776
He was carrying a backpack.00:04:14,854 --> 00:04:17,687
Robert Galvez, two-year Starkwood employee. Former Special Forces.00:04:17,757 --> 00:04:20,157
Relay that information to Larry. He needs to know who he's tracking.00:04:20,226 --> 00:04:22,023
I've been trying. He's not answering his comm.00:04:22,095 --> 00:04:24,928
- How far away is backup?00:04:24,998 --> 00:04:28,832
But Agent Park's teams have secured a four-block perimeter.00:04:28,901 --> 00:04:31,392
The bioweapons canister is secured within the cordon.00:04:31,471 --> 00:04:33,996
Get Galvez's picture and description out to Tactical and distribute department-wide.00:04:34,073 --> 00:04:35,904
- Got it.00:04:38,077 --> 00:04:41,274
All units, I'm uploading a photo of the suspect...00:04:41,347 --> 00:04:43,338
to all agents'P.D.A.'s.00:04:43,416 --> 00:04:45,907
His name is Robert Galvez.00:04:45,985 --> 00:04:50,388
Be advised he has advanced military training, so proceed with caution.00:05:19,552 --> 00:05:22,146
Almeida. Almeida, are you there?00:05:22,221 --> 00:05:24,553
Are you in a secure location?00:05:24,624 --> 00:05:27,286
I'm holed up in a storage yard near the projects on Jefferson.00:05:27,360 --> 00:05:31,023
- I just spotted a patrol. I think I better keep moving.00:05:31,097 --> 00:05:34,692
The F.B.I. Has got the entire perimeter locked down, and they know who you are.00:05:34,767 --> 00:05:36,564
- How?00:05:36,636 --> 00:05:39,469
Which means the search teams can I.D. You on sight.00:05:39,539 --> 00:05:43,873
Just stay put until I can get a read on their search protocols, and I'll guide you out.00:05:43,943 --> 00:05:46,571
I should have never let you talk me into helping you.00:05:46,646 --> 00:05:48,614
I promise you, that canister you stole for me...00:05:48,681 --> 00:05:50,979
is worth a lot of money to the people I'm working for.00:05:51,050 --> 00:05:53,575
Hell of a lot of good that money's gonna do me in prison.00:05:53,653 --> 00:05:58,113
Just shut up and do what I tell you to do! Guard the canister, stay put and wait for my call!00:06:10,303 --> 00:06:13,795
We've got agents down. Get a med team out here now.00:06:16,309 --> 00:06:18,937
Almeida. Almeida, can you hear me?00:06:20,246 --> 00:06:23,079
What happened? Where's the suspect?00:06:23,149 --> 00:06:27,108
- He ambushed us.00:06:27,186 --> 00:06:29,120
I don't know.00:06:29,322 --> 00:06:32,655
Renee, I just got confirmation the tac team has arrived at the scene.00:06:32,725 --> 00:06:34,659
- Do we have a 20 on Larry?00:06:34,727 --> 00:06:38,094
Excuse me, Agent Walker. I know you're busy.00:06:38,164 --> 00:06:40,428
- Kim.00:06:40,500 --> 00:06:43,526
- Good-bye? Where are you going?00:06:45,271 --> 00:06:47,239
Uh, I don't understand.00:06:47,306 --> 00:06:49,297
You're not going through with the treatment to help your father?00:06:49,375 --> 00:06:53,812
- I mean, it's his only chance for a cure.00:06:53,880 --> 00:06:58,112
But it's a slim one, and he believes it's not worth taking.00:06:58,184 --> 00:07:02,177
So if he's gonna die, he wants it to be on his terms.00:07:02,255 --> 00:07:05,224
Yes, but can't you change his mind?00:07:05,291 --> 00:07:09,227
I would think you'd know by now that no one can change my father's mind when it's made up.00:07:10,797 --> 00:07:14,699
I'm- I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I put you in this position.00:07:14,767 --> 00:07:18,066
No, don't be. I'm grateful to you, Agent Walker.00:07:18,137 --> 00:07:20,901
My father and I got to say a lot of things to each other.00:07:20,973 --> 00:07:24,340
I wish I could have said more, but I don't want to cause him any more pain.00:07:24,410 --> 00:07:26,640
Renee, Agent Park is on the phone for you.00:07:28,915 --> 00:07:33,045
- I need to take this.00:07:33,119 --> 00:07:35,053
Good luck.00:07:38,758 --> 00:07:41,886
- This is Walker.00:07:44,397 --> 00:07:48,197
- What?00:07:48,267 --> 00:07:50,201
The chopper pilot too.00:07:50,269 --> 00:07:52,533
Tony Almeida's been shot, but he's alive.00:07:52,605 --> 00:07:54,766
I've got medical personnel working on him now.00:07:56,843 --> 00:07:59,835
Agent Walker?00:07:59,912 --> 00:08:02,346
Do we have any lead on Galvez?00:08:02,415 --> 00:08:05,282
No, but the area's been cordoned off. Couldn't have gotten far.00:08:05,351 --> 00:08:09,185
We're setting up an operations base here on the scene to coordinate the manhunt.00:08:09,255 --> 00:08:11,746
- How do you want to proceed?00:08:11,824 --> 00:08:14,156
You're the ranking agent in charge now.00:08:19,298 --> 00:08:22,631
Maintain the perimeter. Begin a south-north sweep.00:08:24,070 --> 00:08:26,766
I'll chopper out a team and meet you there as soon as I can.00:08:26,839 --> 00:08:28,807
Agent Walker, I have more than enough personnel.00:08:28,875 --> 00:08:31,537
- You don't need to be involved in the search.00:08:31,611 --> 00:08:35,945
- Keep me posted if you hear anything.00:08:36,015 --> 00:08:37,949
Larry?00:08:39,652 --> 00:08:43,884
- He was killed in a shoot-out with the suspect.00:08:43,956 --> 00:08:46,186
I need you to brief the White House on what's happened.00:08:46,259 --> 00:08:48,989
Call Dr. Macer. Have her deploy a hazmat team to the perimeter line.00:08:49,061 --> 00:08:52,519
Assemble a team to chopper out with me.00:08:52,598 --> 00:08:55,396
I'm so sorry.00:08:55,468 --> 00:08:58,801
Someone's gonna need to notify Larry's ex-wife.00:09:00,406 --> 00:09:02,499
Probably shouldn't be me.00:09:02,575 --> 00:09:05,408
It's okay. I'll take care of it.00:09:11,150 --> 00:09:13,778
All right.00:09:13,853 --> 00:09:16,617
We've debriefed on hours 8:00 a. m. To 3:00 p. M...00:09:16,689 --> 00:09:19,920
pertaining to the C.I.P. Recovery and capture of Ik00:09:19,992 --> 00:09:23,257
Now- Mr. Bauer, maybe you'd like to take a break.00:09:23,329 --> 00:09:27,026
No. We need to finish this while I still can. Let's go.00:09:27,099 --> 00:09:30,591
Now, according to your earlier statement, it was about this time...00:09:30,670 --> 00:09:33,764
it was this time you received intel regarding the imminent attack on the White House.00:09:33,839 --> 00:09:36,330
Tony Almeida provided me with the intel...00:09:36,409 --> 00:09:39,037
but we did not know the White House was the target.00:09:39,111 --> 00:09:41,671
And who was Mr. Almeida's source?00:09:41,747 --> 00:09:44,341
He was interrogating a mercenary.00:09:44,417 --> 00:09:48,080
- Did Almeida give you a name?00:09:48,154 --> 00:09:50,088
Yeah. Sorry.00:09:52,224 --> 00:09:54,886
Car- Cardiff. He said his name was Vincent Cardiff.00:09:54,961 --> 00:09:57,930
Did you, yourself, question this source?00:09:57,997 --> 00:10:01,489
No. He didn't survive Tony's interrogation.00:10:01,567 --> 00:10:05,003
But he was the one who provided us with the intel on the upcoming attack.00:10:05,071 --> 00:10:08,063
But we did not know that the White House was the intended target at that time.00:10:08,140 --> 00:10:11,007
We did not know the White House was the intended target- - Mr. Bauer.00:10:12,678 --> 00:10:14,703
You sure you don't wanna take that break?00:10:16,616 --> 00:10:18,811
I'm repeating myself again. I'm sorry.00:10:21,487 --> 00:10:25,423
Here's the data files you asked for, sir.00:10:25,491 --> 00:10:29,222
Agent Walker's got our assignments, all right?00:10:29,295 --> 00:10:31,786
Excuse me.00:10:36,702 --> 00:10:39,068
We are not gonna lose control of this situation.00:10:39,138 --> 00:10:41,663
I know that most of you are tired, working double shifts...00:10:41,741 --> 00:10:44,574
but I need each and every one of you focused and alert...00:10:44,644 --> 00:10:48,637
if we are gonna locate the suspect and secure the bioweapon canister that he's carrying.00:10:48,714 --> 00:10:51,114
While I'm out in the field, you will pass all pertinent information...00:10:51,183 --> 00:10:53,117
out of this office through Janis.00:10:53,185 --> 00:10:55,551
Let's get to work. Adams, you and your men are with me.00:10:55,621 --> 00:10:58,749
- Renee. Renee.00:10:58,824 --> 00:11:01,418
- The bioweapon's still out there?00:11:01,494 --> 00:11:06,488
Wait a second. Wait a second! Just tell me what the hell is going on.00:11:06,565 --> 00:11:10,023
A Starkwood operative by the name of Robert Galvez got away with a canister of the pathogen.00:11:10,102 --> 00:11:13,037
We have him trapped inside a perimeter a mile or so from Starkwood's compound.00:11:13,105 --> 00:11:15,972
- Is Larry in command of the perimeter?00:11:16,042 --> 00:11:20,103
- What?00:11:20,179 --> 00:11:24,809
- Larry's dead?00:11:33,192 --> 00:11:37,219
You're lucky. An inch to the left, the bullet might have nicked the splenic artery.00:11:37,296 --> 00:11:40,595
- You need to get yourself checked out at the hospital, sir.00:11:40,666 --> 00:11:42,497
Let me get you something for the pain.00:11:42,568 --> 00:11:44,729
No. I need to keep my head clear.00:11:44,804 --> 00:11:46,931
Sweep Nine, this is Mobile Command. What's your status?00:11:47,006 --> 00:11:49,031
Mobile Command, this is Sweep Nine.00:11:49,108 --> 00:11:51,133
Southeast grid 211 clear. Moving on.00:11:51,210 --> 00:11:53,075
Copy that, Sweep Nine.00:11:53,145 --> 00:11:55,443
- Sweep Seven, what's your position?00:11:55,514 --> 00:11:58,677
- No sign of him?00:11:58,751 --> 00:12:01,083
You should get some rest.00:12:01,153 --> 00:12:03,087
Thanks.00:12:08,627 --> 00:12:11,255
Yeah.00:12:11,330 --> 00:12:13,161
They're sweeping north, clearing grids.00:12:13,232 --> 00:12:16,724
You got a clear path on Jefferson, all the way up to 12th and 13th Street.00:12:16,802 --> 00:12:18,827
That should be the last sector they're searching.00:12:18,904 --> 00:12:21,896
Judging by their progress, it'll give you about 30 minutes.00:12:21,974 --> 00:12:25,273
- Should be plenty of time.00:12:25,344 --> 00:12:28,336
- You still got that C-4 I gave you?00:12:28,414 --> 00:12:31,406
All right. I want you to find a structure.00:12:31,484 --> 00:12:34,681
A store or warehouse- something big enough where they have to enter and search.00:12:34,754 --> 00:12:39,487
We need to draw as many of them into the building as possible... and then blow it.00:12:39,558 --> 00:12:43,289
- You want me to blow up a couple of dozen F.B.I. Agents?00:12:43,362 --> 00:12:45,660
They're still gonna have the perimeter locked down.00:12:45,731 --> 00:12:49,326
- I don't see how this is gonna get me out with the canister.00:12:51,804 --> 00:12:53,999
Ready to go when you're ready. Watch your step.00:13:03,415 --> 00:13:06,748
- Jack, what the hell are you doing?00:13:06,819 --> 00:13:10,915
- You're ill.00:13:10,990 --> 00:13:12,890
- I will stand down, I give you my word.00:13:12,958 --> 00:13:16,655
You want to keep arguing about this, waste more time, fine. I'm not getting out.00:13:35,014 --> 00:13:36,948
Ma'am.00:13:39,952 --> 00:13:43,547
- Good morning.00:13:43,622 --> 00:13:47,251
Ms. Eames. You'reJonas Hodges's attorney.00:13:47,326 --> 00:13:49,260
That's right.00:13:49,328 --> 00:13:53,662
They told us to expect you. I just need you to place your thumb against the glass.00:14:03,943 --> 00:14:07,606
Okay. Sergeant Cadden will escort you to the holding area.00:14:09,682 --> 00:14:13,209
Thank you.00:14:13,285 --> 00:14:16,721
How could this man have gotten out of Starkwood with a canister of the bioweapon?00:14:16,789 --> 00:14:19,280
No one's sure, but he's already murdered four people...00:14:19,358 --> 00:14:21,292
including Larry Moss.00:14:24,563 --> 00:14:27,794
The F.B.I. Has tracked him to a nearby residential district.00:14:27,867 --> 00:14:30,665
They've sealed off the area and are conducting a thorough search.00:14:30,736 --> 00:14:35,139
Mom, this man Galvez is a Starkwood operative. Clearly, Hodges is behind this.00:14:35,207 --> 00:14:38,108
- Maybe.00:14:40,679 --> 00:14:44,672
As Hodges was taken away, he said it wasn't over.00:14:44,750 --> 00:14:46,980
He alluded to others.00:14:47,052 --> 00:14:51,455
Called himself a small cog in a very large machine that I wouldn't be able to stop.00:14:51,523 --> 00:14:53,855
- He was ranting.00:14:53,926 --> 00:14:56,156
We need to find out what Hodges knows about this.00:14:56,228 --> 00:14:59,391
I want him taken to the F.B.I. For interrogation.00:14:59,465 --> 00:15:02,263
He's a sociopath, Mom. He's not going to talk.00:15:02,334 --> 00:15:06,703
He's going to want to make some kind of deal in exchange for his cooperation.00:15:09,975 --> 00:15:11,966
- Mom, you're not considering that.00:15:12,044 --> 00:15:15,013
You know what this man is, what he did to Roger.00:15:15,080 --> 00:15:17,071
Just get him to F.B.I.00:15:27,993 --> 00:15:31,588
Mr. Hodges, your attorney's here to see you.00:15:31,664 --> 00:15:34,258
Well, it's about damn time.00:15:44,009 --> 00:15:46,136
We're going to need some privacy.00:15:52,351 --> 00:15:57,311
You're a little taller than her, but it's a good look for you.00:15:57,389 --> 00:16:01,985
- Hello, Jonas.00:16:02,061 --> 00:16:06,361
But I'm definitely interested in how you're gonna get me out.00:16:06,432 --> 00:16:10,129
Jonas, you're in a very difficult position...00:16:10,202 --> 00:16:13,797
and your actions today have put everyone else in a very difficult position.00:16:13,872 --> 00:16:18,866
Oh, I see. I've upset the cart, have I?00:16:18,944 --> 00:16:21,913
Everyone's bent out of shape.00:16:21,981 --> 00:16:25,473
Where the hell were they when the government came after my company...00:16:25,551 --> 00:16:28,042
when Senator Mayer and his subpoena-waving goon squad...00:16:28,120 --> 00:16:30,680
were trying to ruin me and everything I built?00:16:30,756 --> 00:16:34,783
You would have been protected, Jonas. You and Starkwood.00:16:34,860 --> 00:16:38,318
But you jeopardized the plan.00:16:38,397 --> 00:16:42,527
That bioweapon that you developed for us was not intended for personal use.00:16:44,236 --> 00:16:47,535
The consensus is that you've had some sort of...00:16:47,606 --> 00:16:49,597
psychotic break.00:16:49,675 --> 00:16:52,371
Well, the consensus is wrong.00:16:52,444 --> 00:16:55,641
Coming from you right now, that's not much comfort.00:16:55,714 --> 00:16:57,648
I wanna talk to them.00:16:57,716 --> 00:17:00,276
Get some form of communication between us. I wanna talk to them.00:17:00,352 --> 00:17:03,014
I think it's a little late for that, Jonas.00:17:03,088 --> 00:17:06,182
You've brought undue attention by showing your hand, exposing yourself.00:17:06,258 --> 00:17:08,920
And I'm sure you could understand their concern...00:17:08,994 --> 00:17:11,394
that you may, in fact, expose the others as well.00:17:11,463 --> 00:17:15,399
- How can I do that? I don't know who they are.00:17:15,467 --> 00:17:18,061
And they need to be certain.00:17:18,137 --> 00:17:20,662
I think we can agree that there's no reason...00:17:20,739 --> 00:17:22,969
for your family to pay for your... mistakes.00:17:24,476 --> 00:17:26,842
Is that why you're here? To threaten my family?00:17:26,912 --> 00:17:28,846
On the contrary...00:17:28,914 --> 00:17:31,474
I came to guarantee your family's safety-00:17:31,550 --> 00:17:34,144
if you do the right thing.00:17:41,593 --> 00:17:45,085
It'll induce a cardiac arrest and leave no trace in your system.00:17:45,164 --> 00:17:47,689
A natural, dignified death.00:17:47,766 --> 00:17:51,930
Without you to prosecute, the case against you and your company will be difficult...00:17:52,004 --> 00:17:53,835
likely impossible...00:17:53,906 --> 00:17:57,205
preserving at least some small part of Starkwood's legacy...00:17:57,276 --> 00:17:59,210
of patriotic service.00:17:59,278 --> 00:18:02,042
Which I know is very important to you.00:18:24,169 --> 00:18:26,501
Party's over, counselor. We're moving him to the Bureau.00:18:26,572 --> 00:18:30,303
My client has invoked his right to silence and to counsel.00:18:30,375 --> 00:18:33,401
No one speaks to him unless in my presence. Is that understood?00:18:33,479 --> 00:18:36,209
In some countries, they'd have shot him by now.00:18:36,281 --> 00:18:39,478
- Process him out.00:18:42,988 --> 00:18:44,979
Step outside, sir.00:18:46,291 --> 00:18:49,055
Hands.00:18:56,001 --> 00:18:57,662
Yes.00:18:57,736 --> 00:18:59,670
- I met with him.00:18:59,738 --> 00:19:01,899
I'm quite certain he understands our terms.00:19:01,974 --> 00:19:05,034
- They're transferring him to the F.B.I. For interrogation.00:19:05,110 --> 00:19:09,103
Hopefully it'll just pressure him to resolve the situation sooner rather than later.00:19:09,181 --> 00:19:12,344
I'll be happy when this is behind us. Have you heard from Almeida?00:19:12,417 --> 00:19:14,908
- He called in before I met with Hodges.00:19:14,987 --> 00:19:18,218
- Has he secured the canister?00:19:18,290 --> 00:19:21,020
He's your guy. He better not screw this up.00:19:21,093 --> 00:19:24,062
Tony's been the one bright spot in an otherwise dreary day.00:19:24,129 --> 00:19:26,120
I have faith he'll come through.00:19:30,102 --> 00:19:32,093
Yeah.00:19:32,171 --> 00:19:33,866
I found a place to set up.00:19:33,939 --> 00:19:37,033
It's an abandoned apartment building just shy of the north perimeter line.00:19:37,109 --> 00:19:40,806
1297 Rincon, corner of 12th.00:19:40,879 --> 00:19:43,370
Yeah, I see it.00:19:43,448 --> 00:19:46,781
Sweep teams are just entering three sectors to the south.00:19:46,852 --> 00:19:49,116
- You got less than 20 minutes.00:19:49,188 --> 00:19:53,090
No, it doesn't. Maybe you should get off the phone and get to it.00:20:34,166 --> 00:20:36,225
I lost two partners in a row.00:20:37,736 --> 00:20:40,762
Early on.00:20:40,839 --> 00:20:43,171
I couldn't handle it.00:20:46,378 --> 00:20:50,371
I guess that's why, over the last 10 years, I've pretty much worked alone.00:20:53,051 --> 00:20:56,145
It's all right for you to be feeling what you're feeling.00:20:58,056 --> 00:21:01,321
But if you can't do this tonight, that's all right too.00:21:01,393 --> 00:21:05,329
Just don't try to pretend like you're not feeling anything.00:21:05,397 --> 00:21:08,230
- That's how you make a mistake.00:21:08,300 --> 00:21:11,963
Don't tell me what to feel and don't tell me how to feel it.00:21:28,553 --> 00:21:30,544
Come on! Let's go!00:21:42,901 --> 00:21:45,165
Right over there.00:21:48,373 --> 00:21:50,364
- Jack!00:21:50,442 --> 00:21:52,376
- Around the S.U.V.00:21:52,444 --> 00:21:54,912
Yeah, I got lucky. The bullet went right straight through.00:21:54,980 --> 00:21:58,780
- I didn't think I'd see you out here.00:22:00,786 --> 00:22:03,448
You do not have to do this.00:22:04,990 --> 00:22:07,185
Show me.00:22:39,858 --> 00:22:41,792
Cover him up.00:22:43,628 --> 00:22:46,256
I'm sorry about Larry.00:22:46,331 --> 00:22:51,633
- How the hell did this happen?00:22:51,703 --> 00:22:54,433
We were ambushed before we got out of the helicopter.00:22:54,506 --> 00:22:56,872
The chopper pilot was hit first...00:22:56,942 --> 00:23:01,106
and I was unarmed, so Larry laid down cover so I could get clear.00:23:01,179 --> 00:23:04,615
I don't remember a lot, but I definitely heard auto fire.00:23:06,918 --> 00:23:10,354
Once I was tagged, Larry came over to help me out, and that's when he was hit.00:23:11,923 --> 00:23:15,950
I blacked out after that, but I'm pretty sure Larry saved my life.00:23:16,027 --> 00:23:19,485
Larry was hit with heavy ordnance- shotgun rounds, armor-piercing.00:23:19,564 --> 00:23:21,725
You obviously were hit with something smaller-jacketed.00:23:21,800 --> 00:23:25,099
I treated Mr. A Imeida. His wound was consistent with a nine-millimeter.00:23:25,170 --> 00:23:29,607
- You sure it wasn't a. 45?00:23:29,674 --> 00:23:32,643
Because you have spent. 45 casings in evidence.00:23:32,711 --> 00:23:37,273
Galvez had access to the weapons inside the F.B.I. Vehicle he stole.00:23:37,349 --> 00:23:39,340
He probably switched in the middle of the fight.00:23:39,418 --> 00:23:42,819
That many weapons? In the time frame that you described the ambush?00:23:42,888 --> 00:23:45,288
- Doesn't add up.00:23:45,357 --> 00:23:47,222
Someone was with him.00:23:47,292 --> 00:23:50,693
Like I said, it all happened pretty fast, but-00:23:50,762 --> 00:23:53,959
I mean, I didn't think so.00:23:54,032 --> 00:23:56,023
I guess it makes sense.00:23:56,101 --> 00:23:58,331
One man didn't do this alone. He had help.00:23:58,403 --> 00:24:01,236
I'll tell Park to alert the field.00:24:02,374 --> 00:24:05,241
- You sure you're okay?00:24:05,310 --> 00:24:07,244
Good.00:24:25,997 --> 00:24:28,158
- Hello.00:24:28,233 --> 00:24:30,428
No. Who could sleep after what happened today?00:24:30,502 --> 00:24:33,266
How'd it go with your father?00:24:34,906 --> 00:24:37,534
Sweetheart?00:24:37,609 --> 00:24:40,510
What is it? What happened?00:24:40,579 --> 00:24:43,742
- He's dying, Stephen.00:24:45,150 --> 00:24:49,143
He was exposed to something, like a biological agent.00:24:49,221 --> 00:24:52,384
It had something to do with the attacks that took place earlier today.00:24:52,457 --> 00:24:56,359
Kim, honey, I'm so sorry.00:24:57,863 --> 00:25:00,696
Um, isn't there anything that they can do?00:25:02,200 --> 00:25:04,134
No.00:25:04,202 --> 00:25:07,603
- I'm coming back home.00:25:07,672 --> 00:25:10,732
Don't you wanna be with him as long as you can?00:25:10,809 --> 00:25:15,940
My presence, with what he's going through right now, will only make things worse.00:25:17,816 --> 00:25:20,478
Did you at least, uh-00:25:20,552 --> 00:25:24,318
Did you tell him about his granddaughter? Hi, honey.00:25:26,124 --> 00:25:28,058
Kim.00:25:28,126 --> 00:25:30,060
I couldn't, Stephen.00:25:30,128 --> 00:25:33,996
I couldn't bring myself to tell him I wasn't the only person he was leaving behind.00:25:34,065 --> 00:25:37,262
Telling him about Teri would have only made it worse.00:25:37,335 --> 00:25:39,667
I'm gonna try and get on the 6:10.00:25:39,738 --> 00:25:43,504
- If I do, I'll be back in L.A. By 9:00.00:25:43,575 --> 00:25:46,476
You can always leave later, if you change your mind.00:25:47,846 --> 00:25:50,007
I won't.00:25:50,081 --> 00:25:52,015
I love you both.00:25:53,385 --> 00:25:56,286
We love you too. Bye.00:26:08,600 --> 00:26:11,433
Mobile Command, this is Sweep Nine. 221 is clear.00:26:11,503 --> 00:26:14,961
- Copy, Nine. Proceed to 224.00:26:15,040 --> 00:26:17,508
Why has that area of the grid not been cleared?00:26:17,576 --> 00:26:20,477
Sweep Three, why have you not cleared 219?00:26:20,545 --> 00:26:22,536
Mobile Command, we're encountering some resistance from the neighborhood residents.00:26:22,614 --> 00:26:26,277
They're not happy about their homes being searched without a warrant at 2:30 in the morning.00:26:26,351 --> 00:26:28,342
I'm concerned about their safety, not their happiness.00:26:28,420 --> 00:26:31,617
Whoever was helping Galvez may be providing him shelter in one of those houses.00:26:31,690 --> 00:26:34,352
If those civilians are interfering in that sweep, arrest them.00:26:34,426 --> 00:26:37,725
- But get that area cleared. Do you understand?00:26:37,796 --> 00:26:40,321
- Jack.00:26:48,139 --> 00:26:50,630
Westbound is his point.00:27:17,535 --> 00:27:19,901
It's my anti-seizure medicine.00:27:19,971 --> 00:27:22,269
I should have used it earlier.00:27:22,340 --> 00:27:24,433
Jack, what are you doing out here?00:27:24,509 --> 00:27:27,672
Why don't you go back to F.B.I. Medical and let them treat you?00:27:27,746 --> 00:27:32,046
- There is no treatment. There's no cure.00:27:33,618 --> 00:27:37,554
I'm sorry. I didn't know.00:27:37,622 --> 00:27:39,522
Yeah.00:27:39,591 --> 00:27:41,422
Why are you in the field?00:27:41,493 --> 00:27:44,951
Agent Walker just lost her partner, Tony.00:27:46,698 --> 00:27:50,566
Thought I could help. I owe her that much.00:27:50,635 --> 00:27:53,126
Agent Stoller to Mobile Command. Code yellow.00:27:53,204 --> 00:27:56,367
Go ahead, Agent Stoller. This is Mobile Command. Are you reporting a code yellow?00:27:56,441 --> 00:28:01,811
Affirmative. I have a confirmed visual on the target suspect with the canister.00:28:01,880 --> 00:28:05,577
Repeat: Confirmed visual of suspect and canister.00:28:05,650 --> 00:28:08,983
Agent Park, may I?00:28:09,054 --> 00:28:11,454
Agent Stoller, this is Jack Bauer.00:28:11,523 --> 00:28:14,617
Is Galvez with someone? Agent Stoller?00:28:14,693 --> 00:28:16,820
Negative. He's alone.00:28:16,895 --> 00:28:18,760
Repeat. He is alone.00:28:18,830 --> 00:28:22,425
- Copy that.00:28:22,500 --> 00:28:27,961
Entering an abandoned apartment building on the south side of Rincon and 12th.00:28:28,039 --> 00:28:31,497
- I am in pursuit.00:28:31,576 --> 00:28:34,170
- Do not engage until we get there.00:28:34,245 --> 00:28:37,078
All primary units respond to 12th and Rincon.00:28:37,148 --> 00:28:39,742
Suspect sighted entering building with canister.00:28:39,818 --> 00:28:41,752
- Code yellow.00:28:41,820 --> 00:28:44,448
I want a secure net around the building. Agents at all exits.00:28:44,522 --> 00:28:47,514
- I want sharpshooters covering all four exposures.00:28:48,727 --> 00:28:51,662
Jack.00:28:51,730 --> 00:28:53,721
I can't.00:28:55,767 --> 00:28:58,429
It's all right. I'll be fine.00:28:58,503 --> 00:29:01,097
I'll stay back. I'll watch operations.00:29:01,172 --> 00:29:04,039
You be careful out there. I still think Galvez has a partner.00:29:04,109 --> 00:29:06,100
You watch your back.00:29:39,144 --> 00:29:41,078
Thank you.00:29:51,956 --> 00:29:54,220
All right. Let's go.00:30:00,265 --> 00:30:04,099
Hellfire. You served with the 27 th in Pakistan.00:30:04,169 --> 00:30:06,000
Two tours, sir.00:30:06,070 --> 00:30:09,233
Did you, by any chance, encounter any Starkwood units?00:30:09,307 --> 00:30:14,404
There was a force protection team attached by my C.O.00:30:14,479 --> 00:30:19,348
- They fought with you.00:30:19,417 --> 00:30:22,250
Soldier.00:30:22,320 --> 00:30:26,916
How would you rate their professionalism, their performance under fire?00:30:28,526 --> 00:30:30,756
They were good men, sir. Well trained.00:30:32,530 --> 00:30:35,931
Thank you, son. You just made my day.00:30:55,153 --> 00:30:57,087
Let's go.00:31:06,164 --> 00:31:09,156
Our orders are to deliver the prisoner to the rear entrance at F.B.I.00:31:10,501 --> 00:31:13,561
White House wants to keep this low-key.00:31:49,607 --> 00:31:51,598
Sarge.00:32:02,921 --> 00:32:04,946
This is Sergeant Cadden!00:32:05,023 --> 00:32:08,015
Prisoner's in severe cardiac and respiratory distress!00:32:08,092 --> 00:32:11,789
We are rerouting to West Arlington Hospital.00:32:11,863 --> 00:32:14,627
Need emergency medical team standing by!00:32:15,300 --> 00:32:17,495
Go, go!00:32:29,013 --> 00:32:30,947
- Assemble the teams.00:32:31,015 --> 00:32:33,279
Agent Stoller, this is Agent Walker. Do you copy?00:32:33,351 --> 00:32:35,342
- I copy you, Agent Walker.00:32:35,420 --> 00:32:38,753
East of stairwell, between the first and second floor.00:32:38,823 --> 00:32:41,485
Suspect with canister has moved to the top floor.00:32:41,559 --> 00:32:45,359
- Do you have any indication that he's not alone?00:32:45,430 --> 00:32:47,728
All right. Stand by. We're coming to you.00:32:47,799 --> 00:32:49,926
Agent Stoller puts the suspect somewhere on the second floor.00:32:50,001 --> 00:32:52,834
However, there's no guarantee that he's the only hostile in the building.00:32:52,904 --> 00:32:55,236
Therefore, we stick to S.O.P. Clearing room by room.00:32:55,306 --> 00:32:58,400
Agent Park and I will lead two teams, east and west. Check your weapons and headsets.00:32:58,476 --> 00:33:01,775
- We move in 60 seconds.00:33:01,846 --> 00:33:04,371
- Mobile Command. This is Walker.00:33:04,449 --> 00:33:06,383
We're about to enter the building.00:33:06,451 --> 00:33:09,614
Have hazmat teams on alert in case the canister gets breached.00:33:09,687 --> 00:33:11,917
- How you holdin' up?00:33:11,990 --> 00:33:13,457
- Move!00:33:16,961 --> 00:33:19,191
We're movin'in!00:33:19,263 --> 00:33:22,096
Excuse me.00:33:22,166 --> 00:33:25,135
- This is Bauer.00:33:25,203 --> 00:33:28,434
Sorry to bother you with this, but I need to follow up on something from our debrief.00:33:28,506 --> 00:33:32,203
- Agent, this isn't a good time.00:33:32,276 --> 00:33:34,437
- and I need to clear up a discrepancy.00:33:34,512 --> 00:33:38,346
You told me Tony Almeida's source on the White House attack...00:33:38,416 --> 00:33:41,647
- was a man identified to you as Vincent Cardiff.00:33:41,719 --> 00:33:44,586
Is there a possibility you misremembered the name?00:33:44,655 --> 00:33:46,623
- No, I don't think so.00:33:46,691 --> 00:33:50,127
You, yourself, had voiced some concern about your own acuity.00:33:50,194 --> 00:33:52,788
Hold on. What is this here?00:33:52,864 --> 00:33:55,492
Agent Mizelli, I'm gonna have to get back to you.00:33:55,566 --> 00:33:57,727
- Locator codes for all units'radio transponders.00:33:57,802 --> 00:33:59,736
- Yes, sir.00:33:59,804 --> 00:34:01,829
- It'll take a minute.00:34:01,906 --> 00:34:05,569
- What's going on, Jack?00:34:07,812 --> 00:34:10,337
Second level.00:34:10,415 --> 00:34:12,349
Clear.00:34:12,417 --> 00:34:15,079
We can go through it.00:34:16,988 --> 00:34:18,751
Let's see the next room.00:34:23,394 --> 00:34:24,918
Bring it back.00:34:27,832 --> 00:34:30,027
Clear. Heading to the third floor.00:34:33,871 --> 00:34:36,704
To the third level.00:34:38,943 --> 00:34:41,207
Here's the all clear!00:34:41,279 --> 00:34:43,543
Let's go! Let's go!00:34:48,519 --> 00:34:52,011
Right there. There's Stoller's transponder. He's not even in the building.00:34:52,090 --> 00:34:54,456
Agent Walker, this is Jack. Get your men out of the building.00:34:54,525 --> 00:34:55,958
- It's a trap.00:34:56,027 --> 00:34:59,986
Stoller's not even in there. Get your men out now!00:35:00,064 --> 00:35:02,624
Code blue! Repeat, code blue!00:35:02,700 --> 00:35:05,066
- Cold blue! Move 'em out!00:35:11,209 --> 00:35:13,040
Keep back!00:35:15,813 --> 00:35:18,543
Agent Walker! Agent Park!00:35:18,616 --> 00:35:20,811
Get us a vehicle. Now!00:35:20,885 --> 00:35:24,480
All perimeter teams, this is Park. Agents are down at corner of 12th and Rincon.00:35:24,555 --> 00:35:27,115
- We need assistance.00:35:27,191 --> 00:35:29,489
Maintain your positions. I repeat, maintain your positions.00:35:29,560 --> 00:35:32,654
- What the hell are you doin'?00:35:32,730 --> 00:35:35,563
You leave a hole in that perimeter, we are gonna lose the canister.00:35:35,633 --> 00:35:39,433
Tell your men to stand fast. Medevac is on its way. Get them in the air now!00:35:47,311 --> 00:35:50,212
I got you.00:35:50,281 --> 00:35:52,215
Set up a triage!00:36:02,627 --> 00:36:04,561
Up, up.00:36:12,637 --> 00:36:15,470
Jack, I'm goin' in!00:36:15,540 --> 00:36:17,974
Agent Park! Agent Park!00:36:18,042 --> 00:36:20,237
- How many men are unaccounted for?00:36:20,311 --> 00:36:22,939
There were at least 30 of us in the building when it went up.00:36:23,014 --> 00:36:25,414
- And Agent Walker?00:36:26,884 --> 00:36:31,614
Renee, this is Jack. Do you copy?00:36:41,232 --> 00:36:43,166
Almeida.00:36:46,070 --> 00:36:48,061
- You have the canister?00:36:48,139 --> 00:36:50,130
Let me see.00:36:54,545 --> 00:36:56,410
Hurry up. We need to get moving.00:37:07,191 --> 00:37:09,125
Renee!00:37:17,134 --> 00:37:19,625
Renee!00:37:19,704 --> 00:37:21,331
- Renee!00:37:21,405 --> 00:37:23,168
Jack!00:37:23,241 --> 00:37:26,210
- Are you okay?00:37:26,277 --> 00:37:28,711
We need a medic!00:37:33,351 --> 00:37:36,946
They've got him. I want to get you out of here. Come on. Let's go now!00:37:43,861 --> 00:37:47,058
- How'd you know it was a trap?00:37:47,131 --> 00:37:49,156
They were trying to thin our ranks, create a diversion.00:37:49,233 --> 00:37:52,066
- Has the cordon been breached?00:37:52,136 --> 00:37:54,934
- The perimeter's secure.00:37:55,006 --> 00:37:57,236
They would've needed time to wire this building with explosives.00:37:57,308 --> 00:37:59,640
This is the last sector we were due to search.00:37:59,710 --> 00:38:01,837
- You think they knew your sweep patterns?00:38:04,348 --> 00:38:06,316
- Oh, my God.00:38:06,384 --> 00:38:08,409
I'll meet you back at your vehicle.00:38:10,821 --> 00:38:15,417
- Hey, you want me to take him?00:38:21,332 --> 00:38:23,459
- Agent Mizelli.00:38:23,534 --> 00:38:26,526
You said you wanted to talk to me about Tony's suspect, Vincent Cardiff?00:38:26,604 --> 00:38:28,595
Yes, yes. Thanks for gettin' back to me.00:38:28,673 --> 00:38:32,575
Listen, you told me that he expired during the course ofTony Almeida's interrogation?00:38:32,643 --> 00:38:35,168
- Yeah, that's what Tony told me.00:38:35,246 --> 00:38:37,271
What are you talking about?00:38:37,348 --> 00:38:39,612
Vincent Cardiff was picked up over an hour ago by Customs...00:38:39,684 --> 00:38:41,743
- trying to cross the border into Canada.00:38:41,819 --> 00:38:45,186
Look, I'm positive. I've got his arrest report right here. Cardiff's alive.00:38:45,256 --> 00:38:48,521
Were there any signs from his interrogation? Physical violence, abuse.00:38:48,592 --> 00:38:50,856
- Anything at all.00:38:50,928 --> 00:38:54,830
That's why I was asking if maybe you had mistaken the name that Almeida gave you.00:39:03,974 --> 00:39:06,499
- Okay. I got him.00:39:08,179 --> 00:39:10,113
Tony!00:39:13,818 --> 00:39:16,480
- Tony!00:39:21,025 --> 00:39:23,289
- We need to talk.00:39:25,229 --> 00:39:27,220
What's goin' on?00:39:29,967 --> 00:39:34,301
I told you earlier today, if you were lying to me, I'd kill you myself.00:39:34,372 --> 00:39:36,340
What the hell you talkin' about?00:39:36,407 --> 00:39:39,638
Cardiff. Vincent Cardiff! You said he was killed during his interrogation.00:39:39,710 --> 00:39:43,146
- Yeah. So?00:39:43,214 --> 00:39:46,274
And he's showing no signs of physical abuse. Explain that.00:39:46,350 --> 00:39:50,184
All right, look, Jack. I'm sorry.00:39:50,254 --> 00:39:53,815
Cardiff knew that by spilling that intel, he was gonna get himself killed.00:39:53,891 --> 00:39:56,485
So I cut a deal with him.00:39:56,560 --> 00:39:59,893
I told him I'd let the F.B.I. Think he was dead so he could walk away and disappear.00:39:59,964 --> 00:40:01,795
I thought it was just a meaningless lie.00:40:01,866 --> 00:40:04,198
You and I have been doing this long enough to know...00:40:04,268 --> 00:40:06,293
that there is no such thing as a meaningless lie.00:40:06,370 --> 00:40:09,737
- How are you involved in this?00:40:09,807 --> 00:40:12,640
Without it, you'd have never been in the White House to save the president.00:40:12,710 --> 00:40:15,372
What is your involvement?00:40:15,446 --> 00:40:19,143
- You're not thinkin' straight.00:40:19,216 --> 00:40:23,380
Does Galvez even have a second man, or was itjust you?00:40:23,454 --> 00:40:25,718
Just stop and listen to what you're sayin'. It's insane.00:40:25,790 --> 00:40:28,520
It's paranoia. Now, why don't you put the gun down?00:40:28,592 --> 00:40:31,117
Don't you move!00:40:31,195 --> 00:40:33,527
The toxin's starting to affect your judgment.00:40:33,597 --> 00:40:37,124
That's what's happening. You can see that, right?00:40:54,084 --> 00:40:57,417
Is this what you're lookin' for?00:40:59,223 --> 00:41:02,818
I never wanted to hurt you, Jack.00:41:02,893 --> 00:41:06,488
I told you to stay out of it, but you wouldn't listen, would you?00:41:08,599 --> 00:41:11,329
Can we get some help here? This man's havin' a seizure.00:41:11,402 --> 00:41:13,870
Stand back, please.00:41:13,938 --> 00:41:17,237
Go get my bag, and call Dr. Macer, stat.00:41:17,308 --> 00:41:20,004
You're gonna be all right, sir. Just try to breathe.00:41:20,077 --> 00:41:22,545
Relax. It's gonna be okay.00:41:54,678 --> 00:41:57,875
I don't see anything. The wound must be posterior.00:41:57,948 --> 00:42:00,781
Sir, I need to turn you on your side.00:42:11,061 --> 00:42:13,621
Put it down. Keep driving. Now!