24 season8 Episode02
Dad, I don't know what to say. I'm so happy.24 season8 Episode02
I'd be happy to except Maggie and me have a meeting with Sean's teacher.24 season8 Episode04
- So happy to hear you were okay, though.24 season8 Episode06
She's not going to be happy about that.24 season8 Episode08
I'm sure Farhad can't be happy about that.24 season8 Episode08
You can be a happy person.24 season8 Episode10
This is such a terrible situation. Yet I've never felt so happy.24 season8 Episode15
Hassan isn't happy about Taylor's response to the ultimatum.24 season8 Episode16
Hassan isn't happy about Taylor's response to the ultimatum.24 season8 Episode17
I'll be happy to sit down with you after I've addressed the other delegations.24 season8 Episode17
Well, I'm happy to say that I was wrong about you.24 season8 Episode18
He didn't seem very happy about that.24 season8 Episode20
The White House is unhappy with the way the manhunt for Jack's been handled.24 season8 Episode22
In any case, he's not gonna be happy we tracked him down.24 season8 Episode23
He's not gonna be happy we tracked him down.24 season8 Episode23
and Suvarov will be happy to sweep this under the rug...24 season4 Episode02
I spoke with Omar. He's happy.24 season4 Episode05
You may be happy tapping at a keyboard forever, but I'm not.24 season4 Episode08
She won't be happy when she knows we're using her to find the mole.24 season4 Episode09
and if you can't save my son, I am happy to see the reactors melt down.24 season4 Episode10
If you can't save my son, I am happy to see the reactors melt down.24 season4 Episode16
- I still don't have a speech I'm happy with.24 season4 Episode18
But the president is not going to be happy that his statement can be invalidated.24 season4 Episode22
I would have been happy to skip today.24 season1 Episode12
I don't feel anything except happy he's dead.24 season2 Episode01
She puts on a happy face for everyone, but I know she's hurtin'.24 season2 Episode01
Our pals at the FBI aren't too happy. Goren's the state's only witness against Wald.24 season2 Episode03
And... I just want you to be happy.24 season2 Episode03
Well, then, be happy for me, OK?24 season2 Episode03
That'll make me happy.24 season2 Episode04
If I didn't have to talk to you again I'd be happy.24 season2 Episode05
I have a feeling they're not gonna be happy about the information exchange.24 season2 Episode06
The prime minister may not have been happy about the ambassador's cooperation with us.24 season2 Episode06
That would make you happy, wouldn't it? Isn't that what you wanted all along?24 season2 Episode08
I can imagine you're not happy about all of this.24 season2 Episode08
- I don't think he's very happy about it.24 season2 Episode10
I don't know. Are you happy in this job? Hm?24 season2 Episode10
Find something that makes you happy, do it.24 season2 Episode15
Honey, I want you to live your life. I want you to be happy.24 season2 Episode16
- He doesn't look too happy.24 season2 Episode20
Max is very unhappy.24 season2 Episode20
Max can be unhappy. We're all entitled to our feelings.24 season2 Episode23
I don't resent it or anything. I just... want him to be happy.24 season2 Episode24
He's so happy with what we did here today he doesn't know where to start.24 season5 Episode12
I'm happy that you're alive. I am.24 season5 Episode13
I'm happy that you're alive. I am.24 season5 Episode21
None of us is happy about this, but you don't really have a choice.24 season6 Episode13
- You should be happy for my happiness.24 season6 Episode15
I don't think President Suvarov's gonna be too happy to see you.24 season6 Episode16
how very happy I am to have you with us again.24 season6 Episode16
I... I guess just put this down to happy coincidence.24 season6 Episode17
I know you're not happy you were kept in the dark.24 season6 Episode18
Now, I am happy to honour Agent Bauer's service to this country,24 season6 Episode21
I'm really happy you came back.24 season7 Episode01
but I'll be happy to be proven wrong.24 season7 Episode01
Personally, I don't care what makes you happy, so let's just get this over with.24 season7 Episode10
And you'll be happy to know we have liberated the refugee camps in Kasanga Province.24 season7 Episode15
how happy that makes me.24 season7 Episode17
Some of the men weren't happy drawing down on federal agents.24 season7 Episode19
I'll be happy when this is behind us. Have you heard from Almeida?24 season7 Episode19
They're not happy about their homes being searched without a warrant at 2:30 in the morning.24 season7 Episode22
You do not want this man unhappy with you.24 season3 Episode01
My client's not happy that you won't hold him in Florida.24 season3 Episode01
That makes me happy.24 season3 Episode01
You're happy?24 season3 Episode02
Did you ever stop to think that maybe it would make him happy?24 season3 Episode02
been dating Chase and I don't think my dad's too happy about it.24 season3 Episode02
He's not happy with how I live my life.24 season3 Episode09
Nina, I don't think your client's gonna be too happy24 season3 Episode12
I'm not happy about this. Let's hope Chloe holds it together.24 season3 Episode14
Jack, you're about to find something out about me that's not gonna make you happy.24 season3 Episode14
Look, I'm happy that you're OK, but this thing...24 season3 Episode20
Four years ago when I found out he was alive after all that time... I was so happy.24 season3 Episode24
- I'm very happy for you.00:00:12,807 --> 00:00:15,214
Jack Bauer's undercover with the terrorists.00:00:15,309 --> 00:00:19,638
They're expecting Jack to help them release a canister of Sentox nerve gas00:00:19,730 --> 00:00:21,806
in the Sunrise Hills shopping mall.00:00:21,899 --> 00:00:26,228
Do you mean actually let them release the Sentox? Are you out of your mind?00:00:26,320 --> 00:00:30,532
We're monitoring them. We're certain that when they leave the mall,00:00:30,616 --> 00:00:33,985
they're going back to the remaining canisters.00:00:34,078 --> 00:00:37,198
I'll go along with your assessment. Let them release it.00:00:37,289 --> 00:00:41,204
But you'd better find those other canisters, or people will have died in vain.00:00:41,752 --> 00:00:45,086
There is still time to stop them before they murder those people.00:00:45,172 --> 00:00:47,414
We have a directive from the president.00:00:47,508 --> 00:00:51,091
More people could die if these men don't lead us to the canisters.00:00:51,178 --> 00:00:53,669
If you were Jack, would you follow that order?00:00:53,764 --> 00:00:55,887
Stand and watch as they murder those people?00:00:55,975 --> 00:00:59,260
If those were the orders of the president, I'd have to.00:01:00,187 --> 00:01:03,105
It's reconfigured. You can activate the canisters.00:01:03,607 --> 00:01:06,525
You'd better hope it works. What's the code?00:01:06,610 --> 00:01:09,481
Jack, the unlock code is Alpha, Kilo, Charlie.00:01:09,572 --> 00:01:11,730
Echo, Bravo, Charlie.00:01:11,824 --> 00:01:14,611
Jack, this is a direct order from the president.00:01:14,702 --> 00:01:18,450
Now, enter the correct code and let them release the gas. Now!00:01:18,539 --> 00:01:21,742
- Make it work!00:01:24,503 --> 00:01:27,041
We have another way to release the gas.00:01:31,594 --> 00:01:34,760
I stopped the gas, but some got into the ventilation.00:01:34,847 --> 00:01:37,634
- Evacuate the mall.00:01:37,725 --> 00:01:39,349
One's dead, one escaped.00:01:39,435 --> 00:01:43,896
Monitor the tracking device in the remote trigger. The hostile still had it on him.00:01:43,981 --> 00:01:48,608
I managed to activate the valve before I got away. At least some of the gas was released.00:01:48,694 --> 00:01:51,814
- What do you want me to do?00:01:53,449 --> 00:01:55,987
You were followed. You know what to do.00:01:58,704 --> 00:02:01,871
No! Hostile down.00:02:01,957 --> 00:02:06,868
Erwich and the canisters are gone. We've got nothing here. Dammit!00:02:13,677 --> 00:02:17,093
Despite an attempt to derail the process,00:02:17,181 --> 00:02:20,051
the treaty was signed today by President Logan00:02:20,142 --> 00:02:22,467
and Russian president Yuri Suvarov.00:02:22,561 --> 00:02:28,397
Officials from each country are hailing it as a major milestone in US-Russian relations.00:02:28,484 --> 00:02:33,146
The White House press secretary has called this a critical achievement in diplomacy00:02:33,239 --> 00:02:35,527
and will set the course for President...00:02:35,616 --> 00:02:38,570
The Sentox gas is genuine.00:02:38,661 --> 00:02:41,365
The test was successful.00:02:42,414 --> 00:02:47,622
I spent a year securing a weapon that would bring Moscow to its knees00:02:47,711 --> 00:02:52,872
and you waste it killing a handful of American civilians.00:02:56,053 --> 00:02:58,544
We were betrayed, Bierko.00:02:58,639 --> 00:03:00,513
Someone must pay.00:03:00,599 --> 00:03:03,173
I agree.00:03:05,146 --> 00:03:07,637
You're the one who trusted the Americans.00:03:07,731 --> 00:03:12,310
Nathanson lied to us. He plotted to turn the gas against us.00:03:12,403 --> 00:03:15,772
Your trust nearly cost us everything.00:03:19,201 --> 00:03:25,999
Since I anticipated this, I secured additional men and resources at great personal expense.00:03:26,083 --> 00:03:30,081
Have you reconfigured the canisters with dispersal mechanisms?00:03:30,171 --> 00:03:34,120
- Yes.00:03:34,216 --> 00:03:37,383
Then we will return to our original task -00:03:37,470 --> 00:03:40,305
striking at the heart of Russia.00:03:41,599 --> 00:03:45,679
- Where's Nathanson?00:03:45,769 --> 00:03:48,261
I swear I don't.00:04:04,371 --> 00:04:06,827
- Yeah.00:04:07,708 --> 00:04:11,409
- But there is no sign of Nathanson.00:04:27,144 --> 00:04:30,893
- Alpha seven.00:04:30,981 --> 00:04:33,935
- Who?00:04:34,026 --> 00:04:36,599
Destroy all your databases.00:04:43,160 --> 00:04:45,532
I know you're there. Pick up the phone.00:04:45,621 --> 00:04:49,156
Dammit, Jenny. I need the key card from my wallet.00:04:49,250 --> 00:04:51,491
Look, I'll leave the police out of this.00:04:51,585 --> 00:04:55,879
You and your loser boyfriend can keep the money, max out my cards, I don't care.00:04:55,965 --> 00:04:58,088
Just give me back my key card.00:04:58,175 --> 00:05:00,464
It's important.00:05:00,928 --> 00:05:05,506
We can't sell the key card. Why can't we just give it to him?00:05:09,145 --> 00:05:11,814
I'm calling my brother.00:05:11,897 --> 00:05:14,732
- No, you're not.00:05:14,817 --> 00:05:17,059
I'm handling this.00:05:32,376 --> 00:05:34,914
Jenny. Hold for the president.00:05:35,004 --> 00:05:37,958
Have your people recovered the nerve gas?00:05:38,048 --> 00:05:41,215
- McGill!00:05:41,302 --> 00:05:45,845
Do you have any leads? Have you intercepted the terrorists?00:05:46,390 --> 00:05:50,091
No. The man we followed took his life before he could be apprehended.00:05:50,186 --> 00:05:52,059
Dammit! I put this on you.00:05:52,146 --> 00:05:56,689
If you'd let the terrorists release the Sentox in the mall, as I agreed to let you do,00:05:56,775 --> 00:06:00,524
we wouldn't be where we are right now, which is nowhere.00:06:00,613 --> 00:06:02,155
- Mr President...00:06:03,282 --> 00:06:05,690
Stop making excuses.00:06:05,784 --> 00:06:07,907
Take responsibility and do your job.00:06:18,839 --> 00:06:22,125
Although we limited the casualties, the attack indicates00:06:22,218 --> 00:06:27,674
that these terrorists intend to make good their threat to release the nerve gas on US soil.00:06:27,765 --> 00:06:34,562
Unless we catch a break, we can expect multiple attacks resulting in mass casualties.00:06:34,647 --> 00:06:37,648
I assumed you'd want me to start without you.00:06:37,733 --> 00:06:40,058
Just tell me where we are.00:06:41,195 --> 00:06:45,062
LAPD is setting up a perimeter around the terrorists' last location.00:06:45,157 --> 00:06:49,107
We've activated satellite and Caltrans surveillance.00:06:49,245 --> 00:06:52,246
But we don't have any real leads, do we?00:06:53,541 --> 00:06:57,123
If Jack followed orders, we could have intercepted these people.00:06:57,211 --> 00:07:02,371
We don't know that for sure. Jack's field decision saved over 800 innocent people.00:07:02,466 --> 00:07:04,589
It may well cost us 100 times that many.00:07:04,677 --> 00:07:09,552
We contained the threat and the media's awareness, which would've triggered unrest.00:07:09,640 --> 00:07:13,472
You tell yourself that. The fact remains that terrorists are at large00:07:13,561 --> 00:07:18,021
with 19 canisters of Sentox, and we don't know where or when they'll hit us next.00:07:18,107 --> 00:07:23,481
- We're all aware of the threat, Lynn.00:07:24,947 --> 00:07:29,276
I want Bauer placed in custody. I want him brought in here and held responsible.00:07:29,368 --> 00:07:33,745
Jack can be disciplined later. Taking him out of the field right now is a mistake.00:07:33,831 --> 00:07:36,867
- Don't tell me how to do my job.00:07:36,959 --> 00:07:39,450
He works for me. So do you. I want him here now.00:07:39,545 --> 00:07:45,085
The rest of you, maintain search protocols. Send reports to my screen in ten minutes.00:07:48,971 --> 00:07:53,384
It's all right. We're all under a lot of pressure. Let's get back to it.00:08:01,942 --> 00:08:04,231
- Manning.00:08:04,320 --> 00:08:06,526
We weren't able to confirm his identity.00:08:06,614 --> 00:08:10,113
Take his picture, lift his prints, get him over to CTU.00:08:10,201 --> 00:08:14,578
We've got nothing. We'll have to run him through NCIC and Interpol databases.00:08:14,663 --> 00:08:18,328
I just got off the phone. McGill wants me to bring you back to CTU.00:08:18,417 --> 00:08:20,540
He's on some kind of warpath.00:08:20,628 --> 00:08:25,290
Because I didn't think letting terrorists release Sentox in a mall was acceptable?00:08:25,382 --> 00:08:28,668
We lost our only lead. Lynn's looking for someone to blame.00:08:28,761 --> 00:08:31,797
I was appointed by the president. It was a field call.00:08:31,889 --> 00:08:38,259
I know, and between you and me, I think you made the right call back at the mall.00:08:38,354 --> 00:08:42,517
- I'm calling the president.00:08:42,608 --> 00:08:47,947
There's no point in fighting it. Let's just go back to CTU and square it.00:08:48,030 --> 00:08:51,481
- Fine.00:08:53,035 --> 00:08:56,486
but I also have to take your gun.00:08:56,580 --> 00:09:01,741
Jack, don't make this any more difficult than it already is.00:09:04,255 --> 00:09:06,128
Fine.00:09:08,425 --> 00:09:11,629
- We can't afford to decommission Jack now.00:09:11,720 --> 00:09:15,765
- Well, what can we do about it?00:09:15,850 --> 00:09:18,554
He may be in charge, but he is not in control.00:09:19,019 --> 00:09:21,427
- Ms Raines, you have a call.00:09:21,522 --> 00:09:24,392
I'll be filtering intel at station three.00:09:27,194 --> 00:09:28,819
Audrey Raines.00:09:28,904 --> 00:09:33,732
If you try to trace this call, or put anyone else on the line, I will hang up.00:09:33,826 --> 00:09:37,111
- Who is this?00:09:37,204 --> 00:09:40,454
I'm sure Walt Cummings has already told you all about me.00:09:40,541 --> 00:09:45,167
- You sold the nerve gas to the terrorists.00:09:45,254 --> 00:09:49,501
- What do you want?00:09:49,592 --> 00:09:52,296
- Why Jack?00:09:52,386 --> 00:09:56,051
You're getting to Jack through me. That makes it my concern.00:09:56,140 --> 00:10:01,217
I'm going through you because I know you have a special relationship with Bauer.00:10:01,312 --> 00:10:04,597
I know all about you, which is why I'm counting on you00:10:04,690 --> 00:10:08,189
to recognise an opportunity when it presents itself.00:10:08,277 --> 00:10:12,738
- What opportunity?00:10:12,823 --> 00:10:15,148
How do I know you're telling the truth?00:10:15,242 --> 00:10:17,568
You don't. Now put me through to Bauer.00:10:29,298 --> 00:10:34,423
- This is Bauer.00:10:34,512 --> 00:10:38,260
It's Audrey. It's personal.00:10:38,349 --> 00:10:40,258
- Go ahead.00:10:42,311 --> 00:10:46,640
I'm on the phone with a man who claims to be James Nathanson, Cummings' contact.00:10:46,732 --> 00:10:49,733
He says he has information, but he will only talk to you.00:10:49,819 --> 00:10:51,858
- Why me?00:10:51,946 --> 00:10:54,022
My phone has a node monitor.00:10:54,114 --> 00:10:57,115
- I'll know if anyone else comes on this line.00:10:57,201 --> 00:11:00,237
- It's all right, Audrey. Hang up the phone.00:11:00,329 --> 00:11:04,493
- What do you want with me?00:11:04,583 --> 00:11:08,830
If the terrorists figured out you rigged the Sentox to blow up in their faces,00:11:08,921 --> 00:11:11,838
why do you need me? The authorities will protect you.00:11:11,924 --> 00:11:17,630
Cummings isn't the only one behind this who works in the government. I need your help.00:11:17,721 --> 00:11:20,639
You had me take the fall for Palmer's assassination.00:11:20,724 --> 00:11:22,883
What makes you think I won't kill you?00:11:22,977 --> 00:11:29,181
Because you want to stop the Sentox gas being released on American soil. So do I.00:11:30,151 --> 00:11:34,314
- Where are you?00:11:34,864 --> 00:11:37,022
Be there in ten minutes or I'll be gone.00:11:37,116 --> 00:11:40,401
- Moorpark. Got it.00:11:41,537 --> 00:11:46,697
Audrey, I'll explain everything as soon as I get back to CTU.00:11:48,878 --> 00:11:50,954
Thanks.00:11:57,887 --> 00:12:00,259
It's gotta be strange for her.00:12:02,433 --> 00:12:04,176
Audrey.00:12:04,268 --> 00:12:07,637
Just yesterday, she thought you were dead.00:12:07,730 --> 00:12:09,604
Yeah.00:12:12,026 --> 00:12:17,103
I know this is none of my business, but she's a good person, Jack.00:12:17,198 --> 00:12:19,570
I hope you two get half a chance.00:12:19,658 --> 00:12:21,283
Thanks.00:12:29,752 --> 00:12:32,243
Jack!00:12:34,381 --> 00:12:37,382
Don't fight, Curtis. Don't fight it.00:12:41,430 --> 00:12:43,506
I'm sorry.00:13:26,813 --> 00:13:30,265
- Lynn McGill.00:13:30,359 --> 00:13:31,734
What?00:13:31,818 --> 00:13:35,270
He got a call. Next thing I know, he blindsided me and took my car.00:13:35,364 --> 00:13:40,571
- Who called him?00:13:41,870 --> 00:13:43,946
Lynn.00:13:44,039 --> 00:13:46,612
We can track your vehicle's transceiver.00:13:46,708 --> 00:13:51,287
I tried bringing it up on my PDA. He's either disabled or shut down the transceiver.00:13:51,380 --> 00:13:53,835
Curtis, how could you let this happen?00:13:53,924 --> 00:13:58,384
I'll get dispatch on it. One of my team's en route to pick me up. We'll find him.00:13:58,470 --> 00:14:03,179
You don't know where to look. Get back. We'll deploy from here.00:14:03,266 --> 00:14:05,389
Dammit!00:14:11,066 --> 00:14:14,601
Chloe, run a triangulation on Jack Bauer's phone. Find out where he is.00:14:14,695 --> 00:14:16,521
Yes, sir.00:14:17,489 --> 00:14:21,107
Have you talked to Jack since he's been in custody?00:14:21,201 --> 00:14:23,490
- No.00:14:23,578 --> 00:14:25,820
He assaulted Curtis and stole his car.00:14:25,914 --> 00:14:28,701
- Why would he do that?00:14:28,792 --> 00:14:31,828
I don't know where Jack is if that's what you're asking.00:14:31,920 --> 00:14:35,455
- You have no idea?00:14:35,549 --> 00:14:41,801
Mr McGill? We're not getting a signal from Jack's cell. The SIM must be out of his phone.00:14:45,183 --> 00:14:48,635
- If you think of anything, let me know, right?00:14:48,729 --> 00:14:50,805
Thanks.00:14:55,861 --> 00:14:58,103
O'Brian.00:14:58,196 --> 00:15:02,324
Chloe, what I'm about to tell you needs to stay between us.00:15:02,409 --> 00:15:05,114
It involves Jack.00:15:05,203 --> 00:15:08,489
What is going on? It came on my screen Jack's gone missing.00:15:08,582 --> 00:15:11,536
He's following a lead on the gas. He needed to go alone.00:15:11,626 --> 00:15:15,873
I transferred a call from my station to him. I need you to delete the record.00:15:15,964 --> 00:15:21,125
- If Lynn finds out we're working behind...00:15:21,219 --> 00:15:23,971
There isn't a lot of time.00:15:26,308 --> 00:15:27,339
When did you call?00:15:28,143 --> 00:15:30,551
- Communications archive.00:15:30,646 --> 00:15:33,397
Bring up the phone logs of Audrey Raines' station.00:15:33,482 --> 00:15:35,355
Yes, sir.00:15:36,276 --> 00:15:39,811
I found it. I can't dump just one call. They're cross-indexed.00:15:39,905 --> 00:15:42,656
- Can't you unlink it?00:15:43,200 --> 00:15:46,117
OK, Mr McGill, the call logs should be on your screen.00:15:46,203 --> 00:15:51,445
Scroll through to station five. That's the one we dedicated to the DOD.00:15:57,047 --> 00:16:02,551
The only way is to dump the entire log - all the calls you've made and received today.00:16:03,303 --> 00:16:05,675
Do it.00:16:11,269 --> 00:16:13,725
It's done.00:16:13,814 --> 00:16:16,601
Thank you, Chloe.00:16:25,993 --> 00:16:30,156
... a day to be remembered as a step forward for the US and Russia.00:16:30,247 --> 00:16:35,454
President Logan and President Suvarov are expected shortly to deliver closing remarks.00:16:35,544 --> 00:16:38,035
Following this, the Russian head of state...00:16:38,130 --> 00:16:40,668
- What now?00:16:40,757 --> 00:16:42,880
Itjust came in on this.00:16:42,968 --> 00:16:46,088
- And what is that?00:16:46,179 --> 00:16:49,595
It's been in Secret Service custody. They brought it to me.00:16:49,683 --> 00:16:52,933
The caller's claiming he has the Sentox gas.00:16:53,979 --> 00:16:56,351
- Is someone tracing the call?00:16:56,440 --> 00:16:59,725
It's being sent through multiple relays.00:17:02,529 --> 00:17:06,443
I'm not talking to a terrorist. You talk to them, find out what he wants.00:17:06,533 --> 00:17:10,697
Mr President, he's demanding to speak with you.00:17:23,175 --> 00:17:25,962
All right. But put him on speaker.00:17:32,601 --> 00:17:35,008
This is President Logan. Is this Erwich?00:17:35,103 --> 00:17:38,389
Ivan Erwich is no longer with us, Mr President.00:17:38,482 --> 00:17:42,894
His attack on your shopping mall was unsanctioned and unwarranted.00:17:42,986 --> 00:17:46,153
It didn't serve our interests.00:17:48,075 --> 00:17:55,205
- What is it you want?00:17:55,290 --> 00:18:01,743
Since that is impossible, I am forced to strike at Russia on foreign soil, with your help.00:18:02,422 --> 00:18:06,502
- My help?00:18:06,593 --> 00:18:12,845
His entire route to the airport, along with a full profile of his security detail.00:18:13,976 --> 00:18:18,472
- I don't personally have that information.00:18:18,563 --> 00:18:20,770
Make no mistake, Mr President,00:18:21,274 --> 00:18:26,482
it's our Russian oppressors I mean to hurt, not your people.00:18:26,571 --> 00:18:29,241
However, if you refuse to cooperate,00:18:29,324 --> 00:18:32,361
I will have no choice but to release all of the Sentox gas00:18:32,452 --> 00:18:37,031
in areas far more populated than your shopping mall.00:18:38,291 --> 00:18:43,582
You just said that killing Americans didn't serve your interests. This...00:18:43,672 --> 00:18:47,752
- This would be senseless murder.00:18:47,843 --> 00:18:49,919
So give me Suvarov's route.00:18:50,012 --> 00:18:53,879
- I'll need some time.00:18:53,974 --> 00:18:56,381
I'm not sure...00:19:03,859 --> 00:19:06,895
He wants to assassinate Suvarov.00:19:09,197 --> 00:19:11,688
We can't let that happen.00:19:13,618 --> 00:19:17,616
If the Russian president is killed on US soil00:19:17,706 --> 00:19:20,197
it wouldn't just nullify the treaty,00:19:20,292 --> 00:19:24,455
it would destroy our relationship with Moscow.00:19:28,258 --> 00:19:32,967
- Get me Suvarov's route from Secret Service.00:19:33,055 --> 00:19:35,343
I haven't made any decision yet, Mike,00:19:35,432 --> 00:19:41,766
but whatever I decide, I better have the route in hand when he calls back, don't you think?00:19:43,690 --> 00:19:45,517
Yes, sir.00:20:00,752 --> 00:20:04,252
Somebody's screwing with me, Bill, and I won't tolerate it.00:20:04,339 --> 00:20:08,004
- Screwing with you how?00:20:08,093 --> 00:20:09,504
What?00:20:11,013 --> 00:20:13,682
Take a look.00:20:15,476 --> 00:20:19,390
- Probably a system glitch.00:20:19,480 --> 00:20:21,935
- You think Audrey did this?00:20:22,024 --> 00:20:27,528
- She's one of the most by-the-book people.00:20:27,613 --> 00:20:30,732
She was on the phone with Jack before he attacked Curtis.00:20:30,824 --> 00:20:34,027
I didn't know that. What does that prove?00:20:34,119 --> 00:20:37,535
Something's going on with these two. What's their history?00:20:37,623 --> 00:20:42,830
You know their history, Lynn. They worked together at DOD.00:20:42,920 --> 00:20:46,917
- There's more than that, right?00:20:47,007 --> 00:20:49,628
Personal? You didn't think it was important?00:20:49,718 --> 00:20:52,339
No, I didn't. What difference does that make?00:20:53,764 --> 00:20:56,718
When did she find out Jack was still alive?00:20:56,809 --> 00:20:59,097
This morning, with the rest of us.00:20:59,186 --> 00:21:02,187
- You sure about that?00:21:02,272 --> 00:21:04,942
- It could've been an act.00:21:05,025 --> 00:21:08,524
I don't care. From this point, I want our people on a tight leash.00:21:08,612 --> 00:21:11,020
If someone has a hidden agenda, I wanna know.00:21:11,114 --> 00:21:13,652
CTU's become too porous. That's your fault.00:21:13,742 --> 00:21:17,193
- I don't need to hear this from you.00:21:17,287 --> 00:21:21,202
Then tell me why Audrey erased her phone logs.00:21:26,630 --> 00:21:28,706
Slow down!00:21:45,399 --> 00:21:47,724
- I'm here. Where are you?00:21:47,818 --> 00:21:51,269
I wanna make sure you weren't followed, or there's no deal.00:21:51,738 --> 00:21:56,566
Take the alley between the buildings across the street from you. I left the gate open.00:21:57,911 --> 00:22:02,123
Listen to me. I don't know what you think I can do, but you committed treason.00:22:02,875 --> 00:22:05,959
I don't see it that way. I love this country.00:22:06,044 --> 00:22:09,413
You're never gonna be able to justify killing David Palmer.00:22:09,506 --> 00:22:15,093
That was an unfortunate necessity. We admired Palmer, but we had other priorities.00:22:15,179 --> 00:22:18,263
This country needs a reason to secure its oil interests in Asia,00:22:18,474 --> 00:22:20,632
one Russia and the world can get behind.00:22:20,726 --> 00:22:23,727
I've heard your reasoning from Walt. It's treason.00:22:23,812 --> 00:22:26,564
No, it's a real politic.00:22:28,650 --> 00:22:31,058
- Do you see the open door ahead?00:22:31,153 --> 00:22:35,898
Enter it. Make two right turns and walk back the direction you came from.00:22:35,991 --> 00:22:38,909
Hold on.00:22:43,457 --> 00:22:48,035
You have hostiles coming from the adjacent parking structure. Do you have a weapon?00:22:48,128 --> 00:22:49,670
- Yes.00:22:49,755 --> 00:22:53,373
- Second floor.00:22:53,467 --> 00:22:54,926
All right.00:22:59,681 --> 00:23:02,718
- All right, I understand.00:23:02,810 --> 00:23:07,518
DOD wants a fuller explanation about the mall. I told them we're trying to find the gas.00:23:07,606 --> 00:23:11,438
I just spent the last five minutes getting grilled by Lynn.00:23:11,527 --> 00:23:15,441
- About what?00:23:15,531 --> 00:23:18,069
- What did you tell him?00:23:18,158 --> 00:23:21,076
That you and he were involved, but now I'm not sure.00:23:21,161 --> 00:23:23,783
- That's not his business.00:23:23,872 --> 00:23:29,412
He thinks you had something to do with Jack breaking from custody.00:23:30,838 --> 00:23:34,207
- Did you?00:23:36,718 --> 00:23:41,131
- What the hell does that mean?00:23:41,223 --> 00:23:45,636
He said he had information on the terrorists, that he would only give it to Jack.00:23:45,727 --> 00:23:50,888
- Why didn't you tell me about this?00:23:50,983 --> 00:23:54,233
So Jack's meeting this man alone, without backup. Where?00:23:54,319 --> 00:23:57,486
- I don't know. He dropped me from the call.00:23:57,573 --> 00:24:01,072
Chloe. She helped cover the call from Lynn. Audrey.00:24:01,160 --> 00:24:04,077
- Sign here.00:24:04,163 --> 00:24:08,741
I'm briefing first responders on multiple attacks. I need to review DOD protocols.00:24:08,834 --> 00:24:13,496
- All right, I'll send them to your screen.00:24:13,589 --> 00:24:17,503
- Unless you have a problem working on this.00:24:17,593 --> 00:24:19,918
Excuse me.00:24:25,058 --> 00:24:26,968
- Bauer?00:24:27,060 --> 00:24:33,395
- I'm in the freight elevator.00:25:31,542 --> 00:25:35,789
- Bauer, where are you?00:26:34,855 --> 00:26:37,524
Nathanson, stay down!00:26:37,608 --> 00:26:39,102
Stay down!00:27:10,682 --> 00:27:12,675
Nathanson!00:27:16,230 --> 00:27:20,607
Look at me. Look at me. How do I find the canisters of Sentox?00:27:20,692 --> 00:27:22,934
How do I find the canisters?00:27:23,028 --> 00:27:25,270
In my pocket.00:27:33,288 --> 00:27:37,582
What's on the chip? Please! What's on the chip?00:27:52,516 --> 00:27:55,967
- He's dead, but there was someone else.00:27:56,061 --> 00:28:00,059
I don't know, but he took out three of my men and disabled the helicopter.00:28:00,149 --> 00:28:03,980
Nathanson may have given him information that compromises us.00:28:04,069 --> 00:28:06,904
Keep looking until you find him.00:28:10,367 --> 00:28:13,487
Critics have said by signing this treaty,00:28:13,579 --> 00:28:17,078
we as the United States are taking on our allies' enemies00:28:17,166 --> 00:28:19,407
as well as having to deal with our own.00:28:20,460 --> 00:28:24,541
Diagram seven lays out the hierarchy.00:28:24,631 --> 00:28:28,000
Civil-defence protocols for each agency are well-defined.00:28:28,093 --> 00:28:30,501
Shouldn't you get that?00:28:31,972 --> 00:28:35,721
- Audrey Raines.00:28:35,809 --> 00:28:37,351
Uplink the data.00:28:37,436 --> 00:28:43,225
Sorry, Steve, you have the wrong extension. I'll transfer you to IT.00:28:43,317 --> 00:28:47,813
Overlapping responsibilities default to federal, then to state.00:28:47,905 --> 00:28:52,317
- O'Brian.00:28:52,409 --> 00:28:57,534
It's Lynn, he's shadowing her. He thinks she's been talking to you, which I guess she has.00:28:57,623 --> 00:29:01,039
Listen. I have a Thumb Drive that's gonna help find the Sentox.00:29:01,126 --> 00:29:04,709
- I need you to data-mine the files.00:29:04,796 --> 00:29:07,003
Access code 5 J55 J.00:29:07,090 --> 00:29:08,501
Hold on.00:29:12,596 --> 00:29:16,807
You should be getting it now. Chloe, I need you to keep this under the radar.00:29:16,892 --> 00:29:18,968
You mean keep it from Lynn.00:29:19,061 --> 00:29:21,730
Until we know what we've got. My number come up?00:29:21,814 --> 00:29:24,186
- Yeah.00:29:24,274 --> 00:29:27,939
- If you need me, call me on that number.00:29:52,765 --> 00:29:56,383
Suvarov's motorcade route and security detail.00:29:56,477 --> 00:29:58,684
Sir,00:29:58,771 --> 00:30:02,057
if President Suvarov is killed and the Russians find out00:30:02,150 --> 00:30:05,400
we supplied his killers with this information,00:30:05,486 --> 00:30:08,404
it would be considered an act of war.00:30:08,489 --> 00:30:10,814
The motorcade has a security force.00:30:10,908 --> 00:30:16,863
I see no reason to believe that the terrorists would even be successful.00:30:16,956 --> 00:30:22,116
Maybe we should have an analysis done, determine vulnerable points along the route.00:30:22,211 --> 00:30:25,248
Sir, we can't do that without giving away the fact00:30:25,339 --> 00:30:28,340
that we had advance knowledge of an attack.00:30:29,385 --> 00:30:31,508
What attack?00:30:35,808 --> 00:30:39,308
It's nothing that you need to be concerned about.00:30:39,854 --> 00:30:42,855
Charles, you invited me into this circle.00:30:42,940 --> 00:30:45,182
What attack?00:30:53,659 --> 00:30:57,443
The terrorists want the Suvarovs' motorcade route.00:30:57,538 --> 00:31:03,244
They've threatened to deploy more Sentox gas if I don't give it to them.00:31:04,295 --> 00:31:07,746
You're not seriously considering it, are you?00:31:11,302 --> 00:31:16,178
Martha, Charles believes an assault on the Suvarovs has a good chance...00:31:16,265 --> 00:31:20,643
Will you please let the president speak for himself?00:31:23,189 --> 00:31:25,762
May we have a moment?00:31:43,584 --> 00:31:46,704
- Charles.00:31:46,796 --> 00:31:49,465
If I don't give them the information they want,00:31:49,549 --> 00:31:54,791
tens of thousands of Americans will die on our soil, maybe hundreds of thousands.00:31:54,887 --> 00:32:00,723
All right. Charles, there's got to be another way. Change their itinerary. Delay Suvarov.00:32:00,810 --> 00:32:04,345
It's all over the news that they're leaving after the statement.00:32:04,438 --> 00:32:08,104
If there's any deviation, the terrorists will know I alerted them.00:32:08,192 --> 00:32:13,732
Charles, what are you telling me? That we will stand in front of the world with the Suvarovs,00:32:13,823 --> 00:32:17,108
you'll look him in the eye knowing you're sending them...00:32:17,201 --> 00:32:21,780
If we were in Russia and Suvarov got this ultimatum, do you think he would spare us?00:32:21,873 --> 00:32:26,333
I'm not talking about Russia or about Suvarov. I am talking about you.00:32:26,419 --> 00:32:29,373
You are the President of the United States of America.00:32:29,463 --> 00:32:32,464
My God, Charles! You're talking about murder!00:32:32,550 --> 00:32:38,006
Martha, my back is up against the wall. You... Give me another solution.00:32:38,097 --> 00:32:42,047
You stand up to them. Refuse to negotiate with them.00:32:42,143 --> 00:32:46,769
Isn't that the policy of this country? Isn't that the point of the treaty you signed?00:32:46,856 --> 00:32:49,940
It's not that simple, Martha.00:32:50,026 --> 00:32:52,018
It never is.00:33:06,501 --> 00:33:09,252
Dammit!00:33:13,424 --> 00:33:15,749
- Buchanan.00:33:15,843 --> 00:33:18,417
- What is it?00:33:18,513 --> 00:33:21,467
My filters weren't working and I just realised why.00:33:21,557 --> 00:33:24,095
- The drive's DOD-formatted.00:33:24,185 --> 00:33:27,518
I don't know how Nathanson got a highly classified D-drive.00:33:27,605 --> 00:33:30,226
Audrey's the only one with clearance.00:33:31,275 --> 00:33:34,442
- Lynn's got her tied up.00:33:34,529 --> 00:33:37,732
- How much time do you need?00:33:37,824 --> 00:33:39,900
Hang on.00:33:41,744 --> 00:33:44,152
Lynn, do you have a minute?00:33:47,083 --> 00:33:51,127
- What is it?00:33:51,921 --> 00:33:53,249
That's right.00:33:53,339 --> 00:33:58,416
I had Felson run a diagnostic to trace the terminal that dumped the log.00:34:03,141 --> 00:34:06,592
We can key in the user ID from your office to find what we need.00:34:06,686 --> 00:34:09,852
We just have to use your key card.00:34:09,939 --> 00:34:15,443
- Why are you so interested in this?00:34:16,279 --> 00:34:18,770
- What was that?00:34:18,865 --> 00:34:22,862
- That last window you closed. What was it?00:34:22,952 --> 00:34:26,784
What is going on here? Will you please just calm down?00:34:26,873 --> 00:34:30,621
Don't tell me to calm down. You're up to something. I won't stand for it.00:34:30,710 --> 00:34:33,497
You're protecting her, she's protecting Bauer.00:34:33,588 --> 00:34:35,296
- I can explain.00:34:35,381 --> 00:34:38,797
- This was an attempt to circumvent me.00:34:38,885 --> 00:34:42,669
If your father wasn't secretary of defense, I'd have you thrown out.00:34:42,763 --> 00:34:45,089
I don't have that problem with you.00:34:46,142 --> 00:34:49,725
Can I have security to station five, please? Right away.00:34:49,812 --> 00:34:53,644
- What are you doing, Lynn?00:34:53,733 --> 00:34:57,102
- You are making a mistake.00:35:04,410 --> 00:35:06,284
I want everyone's attention.00:35:06,370 --> 00:35:10,664
I'm putting a section two-three redundancy into effect as of this moment.00:35:10,750 --> 00:35:14,285
Your stations will be mirrored and monitored through my office.00:35:14,378 --> 00:35:16,537
Now get back to work.00:35:17,590 --> 00:35:22,168
We need Bill to get through this. You are jeopardising our chances of finding that gas.00:35:22,261 --> 00:35:24,966
I'll make DOD and the secretary of defense aware.00:35:25,056 --> 00:35:31,308
Don't threaten me, Ms Raines. I promise you, you do not want to threaten me.00:35:47,457 --> 00:35:50,660
- What have you got?00:35:50,752 --> 00:35:55,129
Over three years they've acquired over 100 pounds of raw strontium isotope,00:35:55,215 --> 00:35:57,291
used to create Sentox nerve gas.00:35:57,384 --> 00:36:03,339
- Where do I find Terra-Dyne?00:36:03,431 --> 00:36:07,215
- Did you say Omicron? Are you sure?00:36:07,310 --> 00:36:10,975
Pull up their roster. See if Christopher Henderson is on the list.00:36:11,064 --> 00:36:14,398
- Why?00:36:16,570 --> 00:36:18,527
Here it is. Christopher Henderson.00:36:18,613 --> 00:36:23,026
Senior vice president of research and development. Do you know him?00:36:23,118 --> 00:36:27,994
Yeah, I did once. Listen, send me the decrypted files over to my PDA.00:36:28,081 --> 00:36:31,699
That's gonna be hard to do. Lynn is watching everyone like a hawk.00:36:31,793 --> 00:36:34,415
- Can Buchanan help?00:36:34,504 --> 00:36:37,956
- What?00:36:38,049 --> 00:36:40,256
- How can he do that?00:36:40,343 --> 00:36:45,089
The president's putting pressure on him to get those canisters. He can't handle it.00:36:45,182 --> 00:36:48,681
I need the files. You're gonna have to find a way to get them to me.00:36:48,768 --> 00:36:50,144
I'll try.00:36:54,774 --> 00:36:57,859
- They haven't called yet?00:36:57,944 --> 00:37:00,614
President Suvarov's waiting.00:37:04,075 --> 00:37:06,483
We'll be out in a minute.00:37:07,579 --> 00:37:09,655
Excuse me.00:37:13,251 --> 00:37:15,493
Martha.00:37:15,587 --> 00:37:18,125
Please?00:37:18,215 --> 00:37:20,836
This is a difficult decision for me,00:37:20,926 --> 00:37:24,793
both politically and personally, and maybe I won't have to make it.00:37:24,888 --> 00:37:28,838
Maybe CTU will find the canisters before the Suvarovs have to leave.00:37:28,934 --> 00:37:31,603
That's what I'm praying for.00:37:32,145 --> 00:37:34,470
But whatever happens,00:37:34,564 --> 00:37:37,138
I need you to understand.00:37:38,568 --> 00:37:42,815
I do... understand, Charles. I do.00:37:42,906 --> 00:37:44,982
Mr President.00:37:52,332 --> 00:37:56,081
It has been a challenging day, so I especially appreciate00:37:56,169 --> 00:37:59,170
how professional you have all been.00:37:59,256 --> 00:38:05,543
Your president is fortunate to have such talented people working for him. Thank you.00:38:05,637 --> 00:38:06,835
Yuri.00:38:08,765 --> 00:38:11,137
Anya.00:38:11,977 --> 00:38:14,598
Mr President, I'm glad we have this opportunity00:38:14,688 --> 00:38:18,732
to thank you and Mrs Logan personally for your hospitality.00:38:18,817 --> 00:38:23,313
Mr President, it's been our pleasure.00:38:23,405 --> 00:38:25,860
Yes.00:38:25,949 --> 00:38:27,858
Hold on.00:38:27,951 --> 00:38:30,109
We would love that.00:38:30,203 --> 00:38:32,659
Wouldn't we, Martha?00:38:32,747 --> 00:38:35,120
Yes. It would be lovely.00:38:36,084 --> 00:38:38,373
Martha,00:38:38,461 --> 00:38:41,332
thank you again for being so kind.00:38:41,423 --> 00:38:44,589
I read the text of your statement. It was excellent.00:38:44,676 --> 00:38:48,840
And congratulations again on your handling of the crisis at the airport.00:38:48,930 --> 00:38:54,091
Thank you, Yuri. And thank you for your steadfast support.00:38:55,854 --> 00:38:59,768
Have there been further developments?00:38:59,858 --> 00:39:02,527
No, no, none at all.00:39:02,611 --> 00:39:05,066
There's always pressure.00:39:05,155 --> 00:39:08,606
But everything's under control. Yes.00:39:08,700 --> 00:39:11,238
Ladies, the photographers are waiting.00:39:11,328 --> 00:39:13,997
Thank you, Mr President.00:39:18,168 --> 00:39:21,418
The motorcade will take service roads to the 118,00:39:21,505 --> 00:39:23,912
and then to the 5 Freeway South.00:39:24,883 --> 00:39:28,050
- Charles.00:39:28,136 --> 00:39:30,627
just smile and wave.00:39:39,314 --> 00:39:44,190
The motorcade will take Suvarov through this downtown corridor.00:39:44,277 --> 00:39:48,192
That will give us our best shot at destroying all the vehicles.00:39:48,281 --> 00:39:52,575
Tell our people this is where I want them to strike.00:40:23,692 --> 00:40:26,728
All right, that's it, folks. We need to move.00:40:30,949 --> 00:40:35,077
- Come on.00:40:35,162 --> 00:40:39,788
- It's not too late.00:40:39,875 --> 00:40:43,493
- What about?00:40:43,587 --> 00:40:45,496
Excuse me.00:40:46,548 --> 00:40:51,506
I'm afraid I have to say my goodbyes here. Affairs of state, the pressures continue.00:40:51,595 --> 00:40:53,883
Yes, I understand, of course.00:40:53,972 --> 00:40:57,008
Thank you, President Logan, for everything.00:40:57,809 --> 00:41:00,596
Thank you. Anya.00:41:03,899 --> 00:41:05,938
Charles.00:41:13,617 --> 00:41:14,992
- Mrs Logan.00:41:15,076 --> 00:41:19,489
I've decided to drive to the airport with the Suvarovs. You can have a car follow.00:41:19,581 --> 00:41:22,250
We're not detailed for that.00:41:24,711 --> 00:41:29,088
- I'll ride up front.00:41:29,174 --> 00:41:31,416
Yes, it is.00:41:35,347 --> 00:41:38,348
Thank you. Would you...00:41:40,769 --> 00:41:43,474
tell my husband where I am?00:41:51,112 --> 00:41:54,113
I hope you don't mind if I accompany you.00:41:55,158 --> 00:41:58,243
- Are you sure your husband won't mind?00:41:58,328 --> 00:42:01,115
This way we'll have more time to talk.00:42:01,206 --> 00:42:03,282
I'd like that.00:42:03,375 --> 00:42:08,962
Ma'am, the president is being briefed by CTU right now, but I left word for you.