24 season8 Episode02
Dad, I don't know what to say. I'm so happy.24 season8 Episode02
I'd be happy to except Maggie and me have a meeting with Sean's teacher.24 season8 Episode04
- So happy to hear you were okay, though.24 season8 Episode06
She's not going to be happy about that.24 season8 Episode08
I'm sure Farhad can't be happy about that.24 season8 Episode08
You can be a happy person.24 season8 Episode10
This is such a terrible situation. Yet I've never felt so happy.24 season8 Episode15
Hassan isn't happy about Taylor's response to the ultimatum.24 season8 Episode16
Hassan isn't happy about Taylor's response to the ultimatum.24 season8 Episode17
I'll be happy to sit down with you after I've addressed the other delegations.24 season8 Episode17
Well, I'm happy to say that I was wrong about you.24 season8 Episode18
He didn't seem very happy about that.24 season8 Episode20
The White House is unhappy with the way the manhunt for Jack's been handled.24 season8 Episode22
In any case, he's not gonna be happy we tracked him down.24 season8 Episode23
He's not gonna be happy we tracked him down.24 season8 Episode23
and Suvarov will be happy to sweep this under the rug...24 season4 Episode02
I spoke with Omar. He's happy.24 season4 Episode05
You may be happy tapping at a keyboard forever, but I'm not.24 season4 Episode08
She won't be happy when she knows we're using her to find the mole.24 season4 Episode09
and if you can't save my son, I am happy to see the reactors melt down.24 season4 Episode10
If you can't save my son, I am happy to see the reactors melt down.24 season4 Episode16
- I still don't have a speech I'm happy with.24 season4 Episode18
But the president is not going to be happy that his statement can be invalidated.24 season4 Episode22
I would have been happy to skip today.24 season1 Episode12
I don't feel anything except happy he's dead.24 season2 Episode01
She puts on a happy face for everyone, but I know she's hurtin'.24 season2 Episode01
Our pals at the FBI aren't too happy. Goren's the state's only witness against Wald.24 season2 Episode03
And... I just want you to be happy.24 season2 Episode03
Well, then, be happy for me, OK?24 season2 Episode03
That'll make me happy.24 season2 Episode04
If I didn't have to talk to you again I'd be happy.24 season2 Episode05
I have a feeling they're not gonna be happy about the information exchange.24 season2 Episode06
The prime minister may not have been happy about the ambassador's cooperation with us.24 season2 Episode06
That would make you happy, wouldn't it? Isn't that what you wanted all along?24 season2 Episode08
I can imagine you're not happy about all of this.24 season2 Episode08
- I don't think he's very happy about it.24 season2 Episode10
I don't know. Are you happy in this job? Hm?24 season2 Episode10
Find something that makes you happy, do it.24 season2 Episode15
Honey, I want you to live your life. I want you to be happy.24 season2 Episode16
- He doesn't look too happy.24 season2 Episode20
Max is very unhappy.24 season2 Episode20
Max can be unhappy. We're all entitled to our feelings.24 season2 Episode23
I don't resent it or anything. I just... want him to be happy.24 season2 Episode24
He's so happy with what we did here today he doesn't know where to start.24 season5 Episode12
I'm happy that you're alive. I am.24 season5 Episode13
I'm happy that you're alive. I am.24 season5 Episode21
None of us is happy about this, but you don't really have a choice.24 season6 Episode13
- You should be happy for my happiness.24 season6 Episode15
I don't think President Suvarov's gonna be too happy to see you.24 season6 Episode16
how very happy I am to have you with us again.24 season6 Episode16
I... I guess just put this down to happy coincidence.24 season6 Episode17
I know you're not happy you were kept in the dark.24 season6 Episode18
Now, I am happy to honour Agent Bauer's service to this country,24 season6 Episode21
I'm really happy you came back.24 season7 Episode01
but I'll be happy to be proven wrong.24 season7 Episode01
Personally, I don't care what makes you happy, so let's just get this over with.24 season7 Episode10
And you'll be happy to know we have liberated the refugee camps in Kasanga Province.24 season7 Episode15
how happy that makes me.24 season7 Episode17
Some of the men weren't happy drawing down on federal agents.24 season7 Episode19
I'll be happy when this is behind us. Have you heard from Almeida?24 season7 Episode19
They're not happy about their homes being searched without a warrant at 2:30 in the morning.24 season7 Episode22
You do not want this man unhappy with you.24 season3 Episode01
My client's not happy that you won't hold him in Florida.24 season3 Episode01
That makes me happy.24 season3 Episode01
You're happy?24 season3 Episode02
Did you ever stop to think that maybe it would make him happy?24 season3 Episode02
been dating Chase and I don't think my dad's too happy about it.24 season3 Episode02
He's not happy with how I live my life.24 season3 Episode09
Nina, I don't think your client's gonna be too happy24 season3 Episode12
I'm not happy about this. Let's hope Chloe holds it together.24 season3 Episode14
Jack, you're about to find something out about me that's not gonna make you happy.24 season3 Episode14
Look, I'm happy that you're OK, but this thing...24 season3 Episode20
Four years ago when I found out he was alive after all that time... I was so happy.24 season3 Episode24
- I'm very happy for you.00:00:13,307 --> 00:00:17,470
You helped terrorists acquire weaponised nerve gas!00:00:17,561 --> 00:00:21,641
We were going to trigger the canisters once they reached central Asia.00:00:21,732 --> 00:00:27,437
Walt, you got into bed with them and they're threatening to use the gas on US citizens.00:00:27,529 --> 00:00:28,904
What do we do about Walt?00:00:28,989 --> 00:00:32,073
Keep him out of sight long enough to construct a narrative.00:00:32,159 --> 00:00:34,198
Are you talking about a cover-up?00:00:34,286 --> 00:00:38,948
Walt Cummings was complicit in David Palmer's assassination.00:00:39,041 --> 00:00:44,794
If we go public, the credibility of this office will be destroyed.00:00:45,088 --> 00:00:47,377
- Mr President.00:00:47,466 --> 00:00:49,257
- Come here.00:00:49,343 --> 00:00:51,549
Just come here, sir.00:00:51,970 --> 00:00:54,177
- Lynn.00:00:54,264 --> 00:00:56,720
I know you're busy, but I need to see you.00:01:02,064 --> 00:01:06,772
I need you to do some work for us and we need it done fast. Get the canisters.00:01:06,860 --> 00:01:12,020
You have to cut precisely ten centimetres from the bottom of the casing.00:01:12,115 --> 00:01:15,401
- We need a place we can meet.00:01:16,370 --> 00:01:21,577
Logan asked for Jack to be reinstated provisionally with full autonomy.00:01:21,667 --> 00:01:24,786
We got a possible intercept on Erwich - Jacob Rossler.00:01:24,878 --> 00:01:28,792
He's a software programmer indicted for security code infiltration.00:01:28,882 --> 00:01:30,542
Copy that.00:01:30,634 --> 00:01:32,461
Federal agent!00:01:32,803 --> 00:01:35,590
Rossler is in custody. Repeat, Rossler is in custody.00:01:36,056 --> 00:01:38,095
Answer it.00:01:38,600 --> 00:01:41,269
- Yes.00:01:43,522 --> 00:01:45,598
No! No!00:01:45,691 --> 00:01:47,564
Is he gonna make it?00:01:47,651 --> 00:01:50,189
No. He's dead.00:01:50,278 --> 00:01:53,030
He was our only link to those canisters.00:01:53,115 --> 00:01:58,109
Erwich's gonna call here any minute and he's gonna expect to talk to him.00:02:25,314 --> 00:02:29,892
- What's the situation?00:02:29,985 --> 00:02:35,228
- What does that do to our plan?00:02:35,324 --> 00:02:37,565
- How?00:02:37,659 --> 00:02:40,494
that would enable him to release the Sentox.00:02:40,579 --> 00:02:46,083
- And we put a tracker on the chip?00:02:46,168 --> 00:02:48,741
- Has Erwich set a place for the meeting?00:02:48,837 --> 00:02:51,791
We've also picked up chatter related to the canisters.00:02:51,882 --> 00:02:57,422
- Related how?00:02:57,512 --> 00:03:01,296
He's asking for help launching nerve gas attacks on larger targets.00:03:01,391 --> 00:03:05,471
There's a call coming in on Rossler's phone. What do you want to do?00:03:05,562 --> 00:03:07,851
Put it on the speaker.00:03:11,610 --> 00:03:14,101
Jack, this has to be Erwich.00:03:14,196 --> 00:03:17,896
- CTU's on the line.00:03:20,661 --> 00:03:23,068
- Yeah.00:03:23,163 --> 00:03:27,375
The roof of the parking garage, the corner of White Oak and Madison.00:03:27,459 --> 00:03:31,243
One of my men will meet you. Look for a blue van.00:03:32,881 --> 00:03:36,131
- What do you think?00:03:36,218 --> 00:03:38,543
Give me the chip.00:03:42,641 --> 00:03:43,803
CTU.00:03:43,892 --> 00:03:47,510
- Let me speak to Bill Buchanan.00:03:47,604 --> 00:03:49,811
- Buchanan.00:03:49,898 --> 00:03:52,769
Erwich is sending someone else. That's a problem.00:03:52,859 --> 00:03:58,613
No. It means I can pass myself off as Rossler. We can keep the meeting. We can control this.00:03:58,699 --> 00:04:01,190
Rossler and Erwich's man may know each other.00:04:01,284 --> 00:04:04,451
He wouldn't have said, "Look for a blue van" if they did.00:04:04,538 --> 00:04:07,788
- It's a big risk, Jack.00:04:07,874 --> 00:04:10,365
Even if they do think you're Rossler.00:04:10,460 --> 00:04:16,664
We don't have a choice. If we're lucky, he'll take the chip to Erwich and lead us to the gas.00:04:20,262 --> 00:04:23,429
- All right, Jack. Do it.00:04:24,850 --> 00:04:29,844
Chloe, Edgar, Jack will need you to support him through the installation of the chip.00:04:29,938 --> 00:04:33,983
- We'll pull up the schematics.00:04:35,152 --> 00:04:38,852
The chip is genuine, but it's useless without the unlock code.00:04:38,947 --> 00:04:42,197
- The tracker is built into the chip itself.00:04:42,284 --> 00:04:46,495
- How do you wanna play this?00:04:46,580 --> 00:04:48,822
Get tac teams ready. We're on the move.00:04:48,915 --> 00:04:53,827
You'll need a comm unit with a fresh battery. You'll be patched into CTU at all times.00:04:53,920 --> 00:04:57,503
We'll be able to hear everything within a 20ft radius of you.00:04:57,591 --> 00:05:00,711
- I'll be watching your back.00:05:01,553 --> 00:05:04,126
Testing, one, two, three.00:05:04,222 --> 00:05:09,727
He'll be waiting for you there. Let me know if there's a problem.00:05:13,357 --> 00:05:15,645
- Do we have the new chip yet?00:05:15,734 --> 00:05:18,355
I sent Polakov and Komar to meet Rossler.00:05:18,445 --> 00:05:20,983
We should have it in a few minutes. Anything?00:05:21,073 --> 00:05:24,905
A remote is the most effective way of triggering the canisters.00:05:24,993 --> 00:05:28,160
I understand, but what if the new chip doesn't work?00:05:28,246 --> 00:05:30,784
I need options in case Rossler fails us.00:05:30,874 --> 00:05:37,126
There may be a work-around, but someone will have to be on site with the canister.00:05:38,006 --> 00:05:40,082
Get it done.00:05:44,721 --> 00:05:47,129
Excuse me, I thought you should know.00:05:47,224 --> 00:05:52,728
Walt's body has been moved to the Secret Service out building for the time being.00:05:52,813 --> 00:05:57,439
You realise, sir, we still need to issue a public statement about his death.00:05:57,526 --> 00:06:02,069
- No statement till his wife's been notified.00:06:02,155 --> 00:06:08,774
Sir, if you don't mind me saying, I think perhaps we have an opportunity here.00:06:08,870 --> 00:06:11,278
This statement you plan to release00:06:11,373 --> 00:06:17,043
disclosing the fact that Walt was part of the conspiracy to supply terrorists with nerve gas00:06:17,129 --> 00:06:20,165
and that he was involved in Palmer's assassination...00:06:20,257 --> 00:06:23,127
- What's your point, Mike?00:06:23,218 --> 00:06:27,382
I wonder if his death might render all that moot.00:06:32,561 --> 00:06:34,020
Go on.00:06:34,104 --> 00:06:37,224
Little will come from dragging his name through the mud00:06:37,316 --> 00:06:39,771
when he's not here to answer for what he did.00:06:39,860 --> 00:06:43,988
And it would be devastating for this country, particularly if, God forbid,00:06:44,072 --> 00:06:47,192
that nerve gas is used against us.00:06:47,284 --> 00:06:49,158
What are you suggesting?00:06:49,244 --> 00:06:54,701
We could attribute Walt's suicide to a despondency over the day's events.00:06:54,791 --> 00:06:57,792
Overwork, personal issues.00:06:57,878 --> 00:07:01,662
Let him go out with some dignity, you mean, not as a traitor.00:07:01,757 --> 00:07:03,417
Yes, sir.00:07:06,678 --> 00:07:09,763
My wife will have a considerable problem with that.00:07:09,848 --> 00:07:11,841
Well...00:07:11,933 --> 00:07:16,928
I respect the first lady's moral conviction, but...00:07:17,022 --> 00:07:19,145
this is your decision,00:07:19,232 --> 00:07:21,308
not hers.00:07:35,165 --> 00:07:39,459
- Is there anything else I can get you?00:07:39,544 --> 00:07:43,708
- Can I ask your advice on something?00:07:47,469 --> 00:07:49,711
Some of the staff are asking questions.00:07:49,805 --> 00:07:52,343
- About?00:07:52,432 --> 00:07:56,133
I'm preparing a statement that the president's gonna give later.00:07:56,228 --> 00:07:58,719
It'll explain everything.00:08:01,233 --> 00:08:04,187
- Is there something else, Evelyn?00:08:06,446 --> 00:08:08,403
What? What is it?00:08:08,490 --> 00:08:11,824
Why did he do it? Why did Walt kill himself?00:08:14,579 --> 00:08:19,574
I deserve to know. A violent thing happened to someone that I work with every day,00:08:19,668 --> 00:08:22,206
who had no visible signs of depression.00:08:22,295 --> 00:08:27,088
What if it wasn't suicide? What if we're in danger? I don't know what to think.00:08:27,175 --> 00:08:30,959
- It was suicide.00:08:34,141 --> 00:08:36,429
Evelyn, listen to me.00:08:38,937 --> 00:08:43,184
What I'm going to say to you has to stay in this room until it's made public.00:08:43,275 --> 00:08:46,478
You do understand? His family doesn't know the truth yet.00:08:46,570 --> 00:08:48,147
OK.00:08:48,238 --> 00:08:51,025
- Walt Cummings was a traitor.00:08:51,116 --> 00:08:53,322
I'm not gonna go into any details.00:08:53,410 --> 00:08:57,111
Walt was responsible for some of the awful things that happened.00:08:57,205 --> 00:09:00,242
- I can't believe that.00:09:00,334 --> 00:09:05,209
I suppose that Walt didn't want to face the humiliation of a long public trial00:09:05,297 --> 00:09:08,002
and he decided to kill himself.00:09:08,884 --> 00:09:11,671
Was he working with the terrorists?00:09:11,762 --> 00:09:16,637
Our enforcement agencies are trying to figure that out.00:09:26,610 --> 00:09:31,023
- Jack's arrived at the rendezvous point.00:09:39,956 --> 00:09:45,627
Heads up. We have the blue van entering the parking garage. Licence plate 6Q49951.00:09:45,712 --> 00:09:49,876
- Repeat, 6Q49951.00:09:57,391 --> 00:10:00,842
He's heading up the ramp towards you. Couldn't get a visual.00:10:05,899 --> 00:10:08,520
I have a hit. The plates don't match the vehicle.00:10:08,610 --> 00:10:13,272
They probably stole the van and put clean plates on it.00:10:24,167 --> 00:10:26,456
Two men are getting out.00:10:28,922 --> 00:10:30,630
Showtime.00:10:34,177 --> 00:10:36,384
Rossler.00:10:37,014 --> 00:10:39,386
I was told there'd only be one of you.00:10:39,474 --> 00:10:42,843
- Is that a problem?00:10:42,936 --> 00:10:45,973
Relax. I've got your money.00:10:46,898 --> 00:10:50,065
- Let me see it.00:11:00,120 --> 00:11:04,782
Erwich says you have to install it. Where's the remote trigger?00:11:04,875 --> 00:11:06,535
Let's go.00:11:08,587 --> 00:11:10,663
Let's go.00:11:19,056 --> 00:11:22,674
OK, Jack. You need to remove the backing.00:11:29,691 --> 00:11:33,903
Inside there are five jumpers. Toggle the one in the middle to the left,00:11:33,987 --> 00:11:37,190
then pry out the old chip, but do it gently.00:11:37,282 --> 00:11:40,616
When it's out, clear your throat or something.00:11:48,293 --> 00:11:53,916
OK. Insert the new chip into the slot. Press the reset button directly under it.00:11:54,007 --> 00:11:56,463
Screw the back on and you're done.00:12:20,325 --> 00:12:23,243
It's reconfigured. You can activate the canisters.00:12:23,328 --> 00:12:29,449
You'd better hope it works. You're coming with us, just to make sure.00:12:32,004 --> 00:12:34,126
What are they doing?00:12:38,927 --> 00:12:41,216
We're on the move.00:12:46,268 --> 00:12:48,723
This isn't the deal I made with Erwich.00:12:48,812 --> 00:12:54,897
I reconfigured the trigger. You're supposed to just give me the money.00:12:54,985 --> 00:12:58,152
- Standing by to move in.00:12:58,238 --> 00:13:01,607
Erwich knows who Jack is. He saw him. They'll kill him.00:13:01,700 --> 00:13:04,405
When Jack gets close, the tac teams will move in.00:13:04,494 --> 00:13:08,113
We need to move in now. Make the terrorists tell us where Erwich is.00:13:08,206 --> 00:13:13,201
Erwich will know something's wrong and we'll lose him. This is our only shot.00:13:13,295 --> 00:13:14,837
Bill!00:13:27,559 --> 00:13:29,848
Are we letting them take Jack?00:13:29,936 --> 00:13:34,978
Stand down. Take no action. Reassemble the tac teams and mount a follow operation.00:13:35,067 --> 00:13:37,640
- All teams, stand by.00:13:44,409 --> 00:13:49,320
Lynn's right. Whatever happens, Jack can handle it. He has to.00:14:04,391 --> 00:14:07,309
Come in.00:14:07,394 --> 00:14:09,932
- Excuse me, Mrs Logan.00:14:10,022 --> 00:14:14,019
- Here's the press release. I'm confused.00:14:14,109 --> 00:14:18,321
It's not what you said. They're calling Walt Cummings a hero, not a traitor.00:14:18,405 --> 00:14:20,694
I don't believe this!00:14:24,786 --> 00:14:27,278
Well, is CTU any closer?00:14:27,372 --> 00:14:30,955
They hope their operation will lead them to the canisters.00:14:31,043 --> 00:14:35,372
Hope is not good enough. We want results. You need to make that clear to them.00:14:35,464 --> 00:14:40,458
I believe they're doing everything that can be done, sir.00:14:41,303 --> 00:14:45,550
I just read the statement you issued about Walt's death.00:14:45,641 --> 00:14:51,181
"Stress due to overwork robbed this country of one of its most dedicated public servants. "00:14:51,271 --> 00:14:55,351
"His work with this administration has... "00:14:55,442 --> 00:14:57,767
You're covering everything up.00:14:57,861 --> 00:15:00,815
- I'll wait outside.00:15:00,906 --> 00:15:03,527
Your fingerprints are all over this.00:15:03,617 --> 00:15:06,108
Charles, we worked on this together.00:15:06,203 --> 00:15:11,743
I thought we agreed you needed to go public about Walt's involvement with everything.00:15:11,834 --> 00:15:16,709
I know you're disappointed, but it's obvious Walt taking his own life changes things.00:15:16,797 --> 00:15:19,584
What's obvious is that this is a pack of lies!00:15:19,675 --> 00:15:23,375
Mrs Logan, full disclosure would have been necessary00:15:23,470 --> 00:15:26,257
to ensure Walt faced justice for what he'd done.00:15:26,348 --> 00:15:32,932
With his death making that a non-issue, it was decided this course was best for his family.00:15:33,021 --> 00:15:38,894
Oh, don't. You don't care about his family. You decided that this was best for you.00:15:38,986 --> 00:15:42,236
- But you are dead wrong...00:15:42,322 --> 00:15:46,402
I made my decision, and I am the president.00:15:46,493 --> 00:15:49,447
Which means it's your job to tell the truth,00:15:51,540 --> 00:15:54,113
even when it's ugly.00:15:55,502 --> 00:15:58,040
And if you don't, I will.00:15:58,547 --> 00:16:03,209
If you feel so strongly about telling the truth, start with Walt's wife when she arrives.00:16:03,302 --> 00:16:06,338
- Suzanne's coming?00:16:06,430 --> 00:16:10,178
So you can tell her that the real reason Walt took the coward's way out00:16:10,267 --> 00:16:15,688
was because he disgraced himself and he betrayed his country.00:16:18,442 --> 00:16:21,111
All right.00:16:21,195 --> 00:16:23,567
It will be very painful,00:16:23,655 --> 00:16:26,490
but it's the right thing to do.00:16:32,581 --> 00:16:36,365
We're one mile behind Jack, heading west on Nordhoff, passing Sepulveda.00:16:36,460 --> 00:16:40,043
Maintain your distance. We've got them on satellite.00:16:40,130 --> 00:16:43,464
- Where are we going?00:16:43,550 --> 00:16:46,172
I have another appointment.00:16:46,261 --> 00:16:50,425
We're almost there. How long it takes once we get there is up to you.00:16:50,516 --> 00:16:52,674
- What do you mean?00:16:52,768 --> 00:16:57,477
We need to make sure the remote trigger works on the canisters.00:17:00,400 --> 00:17:03,437
Oh, my God. You've got one of the canisters with you.00:17:03,529 --> 00:17:05,521
Erwich wants a field test.00:17:05,614 --> 00:17:08,366
I won't be within 50 miles of that when it goes off.00:17:08,450 --> 00:17:11,155
We have masks.00:17:12,788 --> 00:17:15,658
What's the target?00:17:19,586 --> 00:17:23,964
- Curtis, are you reading this?00:17:24,049 --> 00:17:26,754
No. Not till we have a visual on the canister.00:17:26,844 --> 00:17:33,178
If they stay on Nordhoff, up ahead there's an industrial park and two retail complexes.00:17:34,059 --> 00:17:39,266
- They just turned north. That's not good.00:17:39,356 --> 00:17:41,977
Sunrise Hills Mall.00:17:59,710 --> 00:18:03,126
Curtis, the intended target is the Sunrise Hills Mall.00:18:03,213 --> 00:18:07,045
Repeat, the intended target is the Sunrise Hills Mall.00:18:07,134 --> 00:18:10,669
Uploading schematics of the mall and surrounding streets now.00:18:10,762 --> 00:18:16,219
Teams, stand by for positioning. We'll set up on the second level of the parking structure.00:18:26,695 --> 00:18:28,688
This is it.00:18:39,333 --> 00:18:41,491
Curtis, do you have Jack on visual?00:18:41,585 --> 00:18:44,206
He and the hostiles are in the south parking lot.00:18:44,296 --> 00:18:46,869
Alpha team, take up position at the perimeter.00:18:46,965 --> 00:18:50,085
Bravo team, I want plain-clothes agents at the mall doors.00:18:52,346 --> 00:18:55,300
- How will you get the canister in?00:18:55,390 --> 00:18:59,174
Anyone asks, we're working on the air conditioning.00:18:59,269 --> 00:19:02,804
- I didn't agree to this. I'm not going in.00:19:03,482 --> 00:19:05,771
What are we waiting for?00:19:05,859 --> 00:19:10,984
There are hundreds of video cameras in there. This entire country'll know what we look like.00:19:11,073 --> 00:19:13,362
We want your leaders to know who did this.00:19:13,450 --> 00:19:18,527
That's your fight. The deal I made was to sell the chip, not to get my face all over the news.00:19:18,622 --> 00:19:21,908
Erwich prefers to keep you alive, but only if you cooperate.00:19:22,000 --> 00:19:24,705
Now hand me the jackets.00:19:26,296 --> 00:19:31,717
We're moving the tac teams in to recover the canisters before you go inside the mall.00:19:31,802 --> 00:19:34,756
Fine. Let's get this over with.00:19:37,432 --> 00:19:40,469
I'll let you know as soon as we're in position.00:19:40,561 --> 00:19:44,558
- Sending redeployment orders now.00:19:44,648 --> 00:19:47,317
We have got to stop them before they get inside.00:19:47,401 --> 00:19:53,154
If we move in, Erwich will know we're onto him. We won't be led to the other canisters.00:19:54,658 --> 00:19:59,569
Are you talking about letting them do this? Sacrificing the lives of all those people?00:19:59,663 --> 00:20:04,290
I'm accepting the damage that one canister can do versus what the other 19 can do.00:20:04,376 --> 00:20:08,670
- This is insane. Bill.00:20:11,675 --> 00:20:14,000
We need to call the president.00:20:18,807 --> 00:20:20,883
Let's go.00:20:46,671 --> 00:20:52,923
I just got into the mall's video surveillance server. We should be able to see Jack.00:21:07,317 --> 00:21:13,521
Jack, we're still waiting for the president to call. I'll let you know as soon as we have him.00:21:33,343 --> 00:21:37,008
Get the security guard. Knock on the glass.00:21:49,568 --> 00:21:52,141
- What are you doing here?00:21:52,237 --> 00:21:55,820
- We didn't get a call about that.00:21:55,907 --> 00:21:59,359
- You got paperwork?00:22:12,048 --> 00:22:15,002
- Will this work?00:22:15,093 --> 00:22:18,676
Do it. Throw me the bag.00:22:19,973 --> 00:22:22,049
And your jacket.00:22:36,356 --> 00:22:38,764
The president is on line one.00:22:38,859 --> 00:22:40,851
- Put him through.00:22:40,944 --> 00:22:43,862
Jack, the president is on the line. I'll patch you in.00:22:43,947 --> 00:22:46,403
- Go ahead.00:22:46,491 --> 00:22:52,115
You also have Bill Buchanan, Audrey Raines, Chloe O'Brian and Edgar Stiles in the room.00:22:52,206 --> 00:22:55,372
We need your decision on a critical operational matter.00:22:55,459 --> 00:22:59,753
- What is it?00:23:00,297 --> 00:23:04,544
They're expecting Jack to help them release a canister of Sentox nerve gas00:23:04,635 --> 00:23:07,754
in the Sunrise Hills shopping mall where they are now.00:23:07,846 --> 00:23:12,508
- Well, then, arrest them. What's the problem?00:23:12,601 --> 00:23:18,271
there's no guarantee that they'll lead us back to the other 19 canisters.00:23:18,357 --> 00:23:23,066
Do you mean actually let them release the Sentox? Are you out of your mind?00:23:23,153 --> 00:23:26,937
Mr President, Bill Buchanan. I had the same initial reaction.00:23:27,032 --> 00:23:30,946
Then I looked at updated scenarios. With the help of other terrorists,00:23:31,036 --> 00:23:35,449
the remaining canisters could be deployed at other, more crowded public areas00:23:35,541 --> 00:23:40,119
such as subway stations, hospitals and sports arenas, sir.00:23:40,212 --> 00:23:45,337
The loss of life could exceed hundreds of thousands of people.00:23:45,425 --> 00:23:47,751
My God.00:23:58,480 --> 00:24:01,018
Bring it over here.00:24:03,193 --> 00:24:05,269
I got it.00:24:06,780 --> 00:24:09,532
What kind of casualties do you predict at the mall?00:24:09,616 --> 00:24:15,287
We don't have exact numbers, but based on our surveillance our guess is 800 or 900.00:24:15,372 --> 00:24:17,945
Sir, many of them are children.00:24:18,792 --> 00:24:22,541
- Can't you evacuate the mall?00:24:22,629 --> 00:24:26,757
The public will not tolerate the government's complicity in this.00:24:26,842 --> 00:24:31,587
They wouldn't know, sir. This would be a covert decision.00:24:32,055 --> 00:24:36,516
We're monitoring them. We know with 100% certainty that when they leave the mall,00:24:36,602 --> 00:24:40,101
they're going back to the remaining canisters.00:24:46,737 --> 00:24:49,654
- What's your recommendation?00:24:49,740 --> 00:24:55,280
The greatest good would be served by allowing them to release this single canister.00:24:55,370 --> 00:24:59,368
I believe that we have no right to sanction the deaths of innocent people.00:24:59,458 --> 00:25:05,413
We should take our chances, interrogate them and find the location of the other canisters.00:25:09,343 --> 00:25:11,916
Are we ready? Almost.00:25:15,307 --> 00:25:19,803
Mr President, we're running out of time. We need your decision, sir.00:25:19,895 --> 00:25:22,184
This is a field operation. It's up to you.00:25:22,272 --> 00:25:25,143
With all due respect, Mr President, it's not.00:25:25,234 --> 00:25:29,979
We don't have the legal authority to make this decision. Only you do.00:25:32,407 --> 00:25:36,785
You're putting me in a terrible position. Hold on.00:25:38,205 --> 00:25:39,865
Mike.00:25:40,791 --> 00:25:43,911
CTU has laid out the facts well,00:25:44,002 --> 00:25:47,252
but you have to make the call.00:25:53,929 --> 00:25:58,176
All right. The terrorists are forcing us to make a tragic choice.00:25:59,685 --> 00:26:02,804
I'll go along with your assessment. Let them release it.00:26:02,896 --> 00:26:08,187
But you'd better find those other canisters, or those people will have died in vain.00:26:11,780 --> 00:26:17,071
Pull our tac teams out of the mall. Jack, you heard the president's decision.00:26:17,536 --> 00:26:20,205
Let's go. Put your masks on.00:26:23,709 --> 00:26:26,282
I'm going to arm the valve.00:26:29,047 --> 00:26:31,503
What's the unlock code?00:26:31,592 --> 00:26:35,008
Jack, the unlock code is Alpha, Kilo, Charlie.00:26:35,554 --> 00:26:38,638
I repeat, Alpha, Kilo, Charlie.00:26:39,391 --> 00:26:42,262
Come on! What's the unlock code?00:26:42,352 --> 00:26:45,935
Alpha, Kilo, Charlie, Jack.00:26:46,023 --> 00:26:48,229
Echo, Bravo, Charlie.00:26:54,573 --> 00:26:58,902
Enter the correct code, Jack. That's an order.00:26:58,994 --> 00:27:01,829
Jack, this is a direct order from the president.00:27:01,914 --> 00:27:05,614
Now, enter the correct code and let them release the gas. Now!00:27:05,709 --> 00:27:11,545
- It's not arming. Why isn't it working?00:27:11,632 --> 00:27:14,917
- Make it work or I'll kill you.00:27:15,010 --> 00:27:19,672
- Make it work!00:27:21,308 --> 00:27:23,764
Jack, can you hear me?00:27:34,029 --> 00:27:36,401
- Yes?00:27:36,490 --> 00:27:39,740
- What is the problem?00:27:39,826 --> 00:27:44,370
- Do you believe him?00:27:44,915 --> 00:27:49,292
Not until we are sure we have another way to release the gas.00:27:49,378 --> 00:27:53,043
Andrei thinks he's discovered an alternative. I'll put him on.00:27:53,131 --> 00:27:55,420
Get him in the other room.00:28:04,935 --> 00:28:06,513
Polakov.00:28:06,603 --> 00:28:09,770
The canister is in front of you? Yeah.00:28:09,857 --> 00:28:13,901
You have the mechanism? Yeah, I have it right here.00:28:13,986 --> 00:28:18,363
Follow my instructions exactly. OK, I understand.00:28:18,448 --> 00:28:22,197
In the trigger mechanism you'll see multicoloured wires.00:28:22,286 --> 00:28:23,317
OK.00:28:23,412 --> 00:28:26,448
- Splice each wire individually.00:28:26,540 --> 00:28:29,209
Andrei may have a way to release the gas.00:28:56,072 --> 00:28:58,693
- See the circuit configuration?00:28:58,783 --> 00:29:01,404
Now, move the jumper over.00:29:03,454 --> 00:29:05,696
Expose the red and yellow wire.00:29:05,790 --> 00:29:09,076
Hang on. I'm gonna put you on speakerphone.00:29:10,169 --> 00:29:12,376
Can the valve open without warning?00:29:12,463 --> 00:29:16,295
If you make a mistake, it could, so pay attention.00:29:16,384 --> 00:29:19,420
Five more splices to go. Which one now?00:29:19,512 --> 00:29:25,099
The orange wire is next in the sequence. Exactly as before.00:29:25,184 --> 00:29:29,396
The white and blue wires need to be connected through the circuit board,00:29:29,480 --> 00:29:31,354
then into the release valve.00:29:31,441 --> 00:29:34,395
Get the masks. We're almost ready.00:29:34,485 --> 00:29:37,190
OK. Now you're ready to proceed.00:29:38,448 --> 00:29:41,947
You'll see three inputs on the bottom left of the circuit board.00:29:42,035 --> 00:29:44,490
Three outputs on the top right.00:29:44,579 --> 00:29:46,737
They are marked input one...00:29:46,831 --> 00:29:50,449
There is still time to stop them before they murder those people.00:29:50,543 --> 00:29:55,205
- We have a directive from the president.00:29:55,298 --> 00:29:59,046
More people could die if these men don't lead us to the canisters.00:29:59,135 --> 00:30:03,133
They could. That's theoretical. Those children will die in minutes.00:30:03,222 --> 00:30:06,010
- Look at them!00:30:06,100 --> 00:30:09,137
If you were in Jack's shoes would you follow that order?00:30:09,228 --> 00:30:11,933
Stand and watch as they murder all those people?00:30:12,023 --> 00:30:18,192
This is war. There will be casualties. If those were the orders of the president, I'd have to.00:30:19,530 --> 00:30:22,152
I hope that's not true.00:30:23,493 --> 00:30:25,900
For your sake.00:30:25,995 --> 00:30:28,913
You have two more wires to go.00:30:35,004 --> 00:30:37,163
All right. The wires are together.00:30:37,256 --> 00:30:41,420
Put your mask on. The next pair you splice will open the valve.00:30:41,511 --> 00:30:44,180
Go kill Rossler.00:31:13,876 --> 00:31:15,620
Polakov. Polakov!00:31:16,337 --> 00:31:18,211
Polakov!00:31:43,990 --> 00:31:46,611
Jack, can you hear me?00:31:55,793 --> 00:31:58,249
What's happening? What's your status?00:31:58,338 --> 00:32:01,422
I stopped the gas, but some got into the ventilation.00:32:01,507 --> 00:32:04,592
- Evacuate the mall.00:32:04,677 --> 00:32:08,461
One's dead, one escaped. Have Curtis's men start looking for him.00:32:08,556 --> 00:32:13,681
- Curtis, this is Buchanan. Move in now.00:32:16,981 --> 00:32:21,727
Up against the wall. Terrorists have released a toxic substance into the ventilation system.00:32:21,819 --> 00:32:24,357
You need to evacuate people now.00:32:24,447 --> 00:32:27,898
This is not ajoke. This is not a robbery or a drill. Do it now!00:32:27,992 --> 00:32:31,491
We have a red alert. Begin evacuation procedures immediately.00:32:31,579 --> 00:32:35,908
- Where's the power source for ventilation?00:32:36,000 --> 00:32:37,874
Get everybody out now.00:32:37,960 --> 00:32:41,495
... to the nearest mall exit in an orderly fashion.00:32:51,057 --> 00:32:54,177
- Curtis, it's Jack.00:32:54,268 --> 00:32:58,977
I'll try and shut down the ventilation system. I do not have a visual on the hostile.00:32:59,065 --> 00:33:02,897
- Make sure your men take him alive.00:33:57,457 --> 00:34:02,202
Curtis, it's Jack. The Sentox nerve gas that escaped has stayed in the food court.00:34:02,295 --> 00:34:06,921
I got at least 11 people down. I need assistance. I need assistance now.00:34:07,008 --> 00:34:10,591
- Got it.00:34:10,678 --> 00:34:15,755
I want you to hold the mask to your face when I take it off, OK?00:34:24,025 --> 00:34:29,364
All right, masks on. Inject anyone who's down and get them outside as soon as possible.00:34:29,447 --> 00:34:35,699
I need a shot of atropine for a child under 12. Curtis, give me that jacket for her head.00:34:39,999 --> 00:34:42,407
I'm losing her.00:34:50,635 --> 00:34:53,340
Come on.00:34:53,429 --> 00:34:56,003
She's responding. Her pulse is stabilising.00:34:56,099 --> 00:34:59,883
We've secured the exits. We don't have a visual on the terrorist.00:34:59,977 --> 00:35:04,355
If he got out of the mall before we locked down, he may be lost.00:35:04,440 --> 00:35:06,682
He's our only chance of finding Erwich.00:35:06,776 --> 00:35:11,402
Monitor the tracking device in the remote trigger. The hostile still had it on him.00:35:11,489 --> 00:35:13,945
Chloe.00:35:14,033 --> 00:35:18,612
Jack's right. The signal's moving away from the mall. Looks like he's on foot.00:35:18,705 --> 00:35:23,912
Michaels. Jack and I are going after the remote trigger. You're in charge here.00:35:24,001 --> 00:35:27,002
Walsh, gather your team. You're with us.00:35:27,797 --> 00:35:32,922
Don't be scared. You're gonna be all right. This man's gonna take care of you.00:36:43,634 --> 00:36:46,635
Yes.00:36:46,721 --> 00:36:51,264
Rossler - or whoever he was - killed Komar and tried to stop us.00:36:51,350 --> 00:36:53,639
- What? Why?00:36:53,728 --> 00:36:59,980
I managed to activate the valve before I got away. At least some of the gas was released.00:37:01,319 --> 00:37:05,945
- You sure you're not being followed?00:37:06,032 --> 00:37:09,235
- Come back here.00:37:15,458 --> 00:37:19,325
- He's turning left on Reese.00:37:22,423 --> 00:37:27,050
One moment, please, Mr McGill. I'll connect you with the president.00:37:27,136 --> 00:37:28,167
Yes?00:37:28,262 --> 00:37:32,805
Mr President, I thought it was important to let you know what's happening.00:37:32,892 --> 00:37:37,353
What's happening is I sent you over there to make sure CTU was running smoothly00:37:37,438 --> 00:37:39,514
and you seem to be incapable of that.00:37:39,607 --> 00:37:43,557
- Bauer refused. There was nothing I could do.00:37:43,653 --> 00:37:47,733
Just do your job, and if you can't do it I'll find somebody else who can.00:37:47,824 --> 00:37:51,323
The estimates from the mall are much lower than we anticipated.00:37:51,410 --> 00:37:56,203
It appears the fatalities will be limited to between ten and 20 people.00:37:56,290 --> 00:37:57,950
Thank God.00:37:59,669 --> 00:38:02,835
- So, what are we telling the media?00:38:02,922 --> 00:38:07,169
CTU is maintaining a blackout until we give them direction on a cover story.00:38:07,260 --> 00:38:09,929
What about the other 19 canisters?00:38:10,012 --> 00:38:13,713
CTU has a terrorist under surveillance as we speak.00:38:13,808 --> 00:38:19,051
They believe there's a good chance he'll lead them to Erwich and the other canisters.00:38:19,147 --> 00:38:21,056
All right. Good.00:38:21,607 --> 00:38:26,981
There's something else, sir. Suzanne Cummings has arrived to claim Walt's body.00:38:27,780 --> 00:38:31,481
Martha is on her way to speak with her now.00:38:33,035 --> 00:38:35,194
Thank you, Mike.00:39:02,773 --> 00:39:04,647
Suzanne.00:39:15,661 --> 00:39:18,069
I can't believe he's gone.00:39:18,164 --> 00:39:20,240
I'm sorry.00:39:21,292 --> 00:39:23,166
I'm so, so sorry.00:39:23,252 --> 00:39:27,202
- I should've been with him today.00:39:27,298 --> 00:39:32,007
- I wanted to be.00:39:32,094 --> 00:39:36,424
He... told me to stay at the hotel.00:39:39,685 --> 00:39:42,058
You know how much we love you, honey.00:39:42,146 --> 00:39:47,022
No matter what you need, we'll always be here for you.00:39:47,109 --> 00:39:52,021
I just don't understand. This doesn't make any sense.00:39:52,782 --> 00:39:55,818
You were with him today.00:39:55,910 --> 00:40:01,616
Why, Martha? Why in the world would... Walt do this?00:40:05,670 --> 00:40:07,746
Suzanne.00:40:09,340 --> 00:40:11,416
Walt...00:40:14,762 --> 00:40:17,051
loved this country.00:40:19,517 --> 00:40:21,889
And...00:40:21,978 --> 00:40:24,469
he loved you.00:40:33,447 --> 00:40:35,736
I'm sorry.00:40:35,825 --> 00:40:38,280
I need a moment.00:40:38,369 --> 00:40:40,860
Of course. All right.00:41:10,860 --> 00:41:14,311
He's slowing down. He's stopping.00:41:14,405 --> 00:41:17,074
Cross-referencing with the street grid.00:41:17,158 --> 00:41:19,863
He's in front of 1136 East Muldower.00:41:19,952 --> 00:41:24,698
Bill, we'll have to hit him hard and fast to stop him from releasing any more Sentox.00:41:24,790 --> 00:41:27,282
Agreed.00:41:27,376 --> 00:41:30,081
Set up a perimeter. Begin your approach.00:41:30,171 --> 00:41:35,592
- All right, all teams, we're moving in.00:42:08,292 --> 00:42:14,544
Team B, take the front entrance off the street. We're taking the side. Go now. Go.00:42:16,759 --> 00:42:19,380
Yes.00:42:19,470 --> 00:42:21,629
- You were followed.00:42:21,722 --> 00:42:24,807
It doesn't matter. You know what to do.00:42:25,309 --> 00:42:27,136
Yes.00:42:29,230 --> 00:42:30,808
No!00:42:30,898 --> 00:42:34,848
Hostile down. I repeat, hostile down.00:42:37,530 --> 00:42:39,487
Air is clean.00:42:39,574 --> 00:42:41,815
Curtis, have your men call in now.00:42:41,909 --> 00:42:44,400
Team A, team B, report.00:42:45,496 --> 00:42:48,616
- What have you got?00:42:48,708 --> 00:42:51,792
- The place is empty.